Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,15

your ass will be fired. Do we understand each other?”

The nickname? What…?

Oh, shit.


“Wait, that’s what you’re all pissed off about? A nickname? Seriously?”

She nodded. “I am.”

Kyle took a step toward her and then another. With each movement, her eyes went a little wider. It wasn’t until there was barely a foot between them that he spoke. “What is the big deal?”

He knew it was the wrong thing to say even before her eyes narrowed at him and her spine stiffened.

“The big deal,” she mocked, “is it’s unprofessional.”

So many thoughts swirled around in his head and he knew it was time to just say what they were really dancing around.

“I don’t think that’s the real reason you’re pissed off at me,” he began carefully.

“Oh really?” And as much as she tried to sound bored, the tremor was still there.

“Yeah, really.”

Just say it!

“You’re pissed because I’m the one here doing the work and you’d like nothing more than to have never seen me again,” he stated, proud of the fact his own voice didn’t tremble. “And me calling you by your nickname was just a bold reminder of a time in your life you’d clearly rather forget.”

“I’d rather forget?” she asked incredulously. “Oh, that’s rich coming from you.”

“Rich? Rich?” he repeated. “Although, I guess with your snooty college degree, that’s the way you talk now.” With a huff, he took a step back and frowned. “Personally, I don’t see what the big deal is. The name slipped out. It’s not a big deal. At least…not to me.”

“That’s it! I knew I should have just called Jake and not even bothered trying to talk to you. Guys like you are too damn cocky and arrogant to even think about anyone else’s feelings!” When she turned to go back inside, Kyle reached out and grasped her arm and spun her around. “Take your damn hands off me!”

He immediately released her, his hands going up in surrender. “Okay, I get it! I won’t use the nickname again. Can you just…you know…relax?”

Again…wrong thing to say.

“You know what? You are the worst,” she hissed. “The absolute worst. It’s like you don’t even care how offensive you are or what you even say!”

Kyle knew he shouldn’t get angry; after all, she was telling the truth—partially. He knew he tended to speak first and think later, but there was something about this entire situation that just pushed all his buttons.

It had been years since they talked to each other. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew this day would come, but he didn’t expect it to be…like this.

Not even close.

“You know what,” he snapped. “Maybe I don’t always say the right thing, but at least I’m not walking around passing judgment like someone who does.” He aimed a hard glare at her. “Now I’m sorry that the whole nickname thing is a sore spot for you, but how the hell would I even know that, huh? There was a time when it didn’t. It slipped out, and believe me, it won’t happen again!”


“And I’ll tell you something else, Ms. Albright,” Because clearly he was on a roll now, “you’re not doing such a great job on how you talk or caring about anyone else’s feelings, and that makes you a hypocrite! I would have thought after all this time we’d be able to handle working together like adults but obviously I was wrong about you. Again.”

He was feeling pretty damn smug, like he officially put an end to this ridiculous conversation when…

Sydney’s entire expression fell and her big blue eyes welled up with tears.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…

He went to reach for her when she just sort of gracefully lowered herself to the floor and began to cry.

“Uh…hey,” he said softly, carefully. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“Oh, I think we both know you meant exactly what you said,” she said between sobs. “And you know what? I meant what I said. How dare you try to turn this around like I’m the one at fault here! And to say I don’t care about anyone else’s feelings? Do you realize how ludicrous that is? I’m here…I’m back in Magnolia Sound to raise my niece, for crying out loud! I’m doing it because it’s what my sister wanted! So screw you if you think that I don’t care because let me tell you something, Kyle Jones, I care a whole damn lot! Not that I’d expect you to understand. You’re the one who walks through life not giving Copyright 2016 - 2024