A Lass to Love (Brides of Scotland #1) - Tammy Andresen Page 0,22

wouldn’t lie to her aunt now. This affected Edna’s future too.

In response Edna wilted into a nearby chair. “Well, that’s it then. I’ll have to leave my home, start a new life.” Then her aunt gasped. “Will we have to move to London?”

Fiona blinked. “I don’t have a clue.”

“So ye and the merchant haven’t actually made any plans?” Edna dropped the cane and raised a shaking hand to her brow. “I wish I hadn’t had that poison last night. I’d handle this all a great deal better without it.”

Fiona dropped her head, guilt making her chest tight. “I’m certain we’ll figure it all out.”

Edna shook her head. “Mr. Mayweather will support ye. He has to. But if he’s entering this engagement unwillingly then he may very well toss me to the wolves.”

Fiona crossed to her aunt, placing her hands on her shoulders. “First of all, Colin will care fer ye.” She gave her aunt’s shoulder’s a squeeze. “Second, he’s not unwilling. He’d already asked me to marry him.”

Edna’s head snapped up. “Well.” She drew in a deep breath. “That does make me feel better.” Then her gaze narrowed. “But if he asked and ye accepted, why is Colin forcing the issue and why do ye look so worried?”

Fiona’s shoulder’s rose and fell. “I got so excited, I forgot to accept. And then he misinterpreted my comments so now he thinks I didn’t accept because I don’t want him. He’s worried that I think he’s not good enough.”

Edna reached for her hand, then, covering Fiona’s with her own. “If he’s going to be yer husband, ye best tell him that he is good enough, even if ye don’t believe it. I wished ye married the earl, but if Colin’s made up his mind, there’s no point in lamenting now.”

“But I’m not lamenting. Callum was never the man for me and Tom is everything that I’ve wanted. In fact, I believe I love him.”

Edna drew in a deep breath. “I do hope they bring tea soon.” Then she patted Fiona’s hand again. “If ye love him. Ye’d best tell him that too. It’ll make everything better. And also, if ye could put in a word about a small cottage for yer dear aunt…”

Fiona leaned down and kissed Edna’s head. “I will, Auntie, and I’m sure he’ll make arrangements for ye. It might have been easier if ye hadn’t wacked him with yer cane.”

Edna gave a loud sniff. “Who is to say that my cane isn’t what put him on the right path to start?”

Fiona gave her head a shake. “I’ll be sure to add that in when I talk to him.”

Tom paced his room, having given up on the idea of sleep hours before. He was marrying today. That should have filled him with joy but all he could muster was sick dread. Perhaps in time, he’d change her mind? Could he show her his value?

He hated starting from this point, but there was nothing to do but try and make the best of the situation.

A soft knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. He paused, unsure if he wanted to answer.

“Tom,” Fiona’s voice called from the other side. “Can we please talk?”

He straightened, not sure he was ready to hear what she had to say. He was still figuring everything out in his own mind.

She cleared her throat. “I spoke with Edna this morning. She said that I should tell ye how I feel so I’m going to start by admitting that I’m in love with ye. I’m not certain when it happened but it has and I won’t apologize for it.”

Her words slammed into him with a force that nearly doubled him over. Recovering, he took a long stride across the room and wrenched open the door.

Fiona tumbled into the room and he reached out his hands, catching her before she fell, then pulled her against his body. She wrapped her arms about his neck, looking up into his face. Without a word, he kissed her hard, full of the passion and hurt he’d experienced.

She softened underneath him, molding herself to his front. “Say it again,” he whispered against her lips, his voice rough.

“I love ye.”

He squeezed his eyes shut. “Are you just saying that to make the best of this situation?”

Her fingers danced along his cheek. “Open yer eyes.”

He did, staring down into her bright green eyes, fringed with dark lashes. “I love ye, Tom Mayweather, and I’d be honored to be yer wife. I didnae mean to hurt

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