A Lass to Love (Brides of Scotland #1) - Tammy Andresen Page 0,15

a reluctant husband she hated or a reluctant husband she adored? She honestly didn’t know the answer.

Tom clenched his teeth as Fiona’s hand slipped from his and she disappeared back into her cabin.

His plan had been a terrible one. Well, it hadn’t been entirely awful. Somehow, Fiona had known the exact words to mend his aching heart. But her kisses had wreaked havoc on his senses and upturned his whole plan for the future.

Ridiculous. She was already engaged to be married. And he didn’t want a wife. This was his time to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

He started down the ship ladder. Did he even still want a life free of emotional entanglements? A parade of meaningless women who carelessly threw barbs at him that had the potential to hurt him deeply? Or spend his life wrapped in the embrace of a woman who soothed him, built him up all the while lighting his body ablaze with her passion?

He stopped halfway down the ladder. He was actually considering this. Tom Mayweather was contemplating marriage.

His father had died when he was young and his mother had told him often that marriage had ruined her life. She’d taken in sewing just to keep food on the table, because she had no husband and a child to support.

It was how he’d learned fabric to begin with. Before now, he’d never realized what a profound affect his mother’s feelings had had on him. Coupled with his own experiences, he’d been dead set against settling down.

But now…Fiona was right. He had the means to keep her well cared for no matter what happened. And in some ways, never having married, he lived a life as lonely as his mother’s had been as a widow. Lonelier, in fact, because he didn’t even have a child to share it with.

Hell’s bells, now he was considering children too. He leaned against the wall, needing some measure of support. “A midnight walk?” Colin asked from somewhere in the shadows, the sound of his voice jarring Tom out of his thoughts.

“Couldn’t sleep,” he answered, pushing off the wall.

“Fancied a drink?” Colin moved toward him, stepping into the moonlight.

He waved, dismissing the words. “I’m leaning on the wall, not because I am drunk, but because I’ve realized I’ve been plagued by feelings.”

“Feelings?” Colin asked, stopping in the center of the hall. “What sort of feelings?”

Tom lowered his head. “Don’t be angry with me but I might possibly be in love with Fiona.”

Colin snorted, which made Tom’s head snap up. What was Colin thinking? But he found out soon enough.

“Well that would be a relief,” Colin said. “Provided, of course, yer intentions are honorable.”

“Relief?” Tom scrubbed his hands through his hair. “I thought you’d be angry.” He dropped his hands. “And I am surprised to say that yes, my intentions are honorable.”

“Good.” Colin came over and slapped him on the shoulder. “If ye take a moonlight walk and kiss my cousin again, I will throw ye over the side of the boat.”

Tom stopped. “How did you…”

“I ken everything that happens on my ship.” He crossed his arms. “In terms of her engagement to Exmouth, the entire thing is a farce and I’m sure they’ll both be relieved to see it dissolved. Fiona marrying someone else ensures she suffers no scandal.”

Tom pushed off the wall. “Did you know this would happen? That I’d fall in love with her? ”

Colin cut his hand through the air as if to swipe away Tom’s words. “Of course not.” Then he stopped. “Though I did ken Fiona was just yer type.”

Tom shook his head. He’d been played, though he couldn’t bring himself to care. Then he stopped. How would Fiona feel about this plan?

She’d assured him she’d be happy as a merchant’s wife but was she really, truly ready to give up on being a countess?

Chapter Nine

Fiona woke feeling far more rested. Her second night in a hammock had gone better than the first. She’d drifted off dreaming about being held in Tom’s strong arms.

Aunt Edna was already awake and sitting with a book in hand. “Ye slept late,” Edna said as she glanced up from the pages. “Getting ready to meet yer groom?”

“Something like that,” Fiona replied, stretching. “How late is it?”

“Well, the breakfast tray should arrive any minute. I believe it’s half past nine though ye’d never ken it with all the clouds. Miserable day today.”

Fiona frowned as she glanced out the rain-soaked window. There would be no walk on the deck today. Rising

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