A Lass to Love (Brides of Scotland #1) - Tammy Andresen Page 0,11

finally returned to his task of coiling several feet of rope.

“Well, if ye’re going to do this, we have to think of a way to keep from raising Colin’s suspicions.” Fiona tapped her chin. “I doubt he’d approve of this plan.”

“You’re right there.” He gave Fiona a sidelong glance. “We’ll have to begin by doing small lessons behind the sail.”

She frowned. “Ye really think ye can teach me what I need to know to bring an errant fiancé to task in the one minute we’re behind a sail?” The idea seemed highly unlikely, but she couldn’t think of a better one.

He shrugged. “We’ll find out I suppose.”

They walked in silence for several more seconds before an idea came to her. “We’ll have to meet when nearly everyone is asleep and sneak about the back of the cabin where the watchmen won’t see us.”

He quirked a brow. “Devious. And likely a good plan but also dangerous.”

“I can’t sleep in that hammock anyway. I might as well put my time to good use.” She bit the inside of her lip. If she were being honest, the idea of night meetings with him was far more exciting than she let on.


Her heart jumped with excitement. “Do ye think eleven is too early?”

He gave her a one-sided grin. “Sounds just about right. But we can start your first lesson right now.”

“Really?” she asked, her pulse picking up speed. “How so?”

“You might not be able to get him alone at first.” He knelt a bit closer, dropping his voice. “So you’ll have to learn to touch him when you’re in public but no one else can see.”

Oh, that was an excellent idea. “But what if he doesn’t want my touch?”

“He will, especially after you give him a few of your gentle strokes. He’ll be begging for more.”

She stopped to look at him. “Why? I thought rogues wanted passion and excitement.”

His mouth snapped closed and he didn’t answer. Had she said something wrong?

Tom clenched his free hand at his side. He’d already made a mistake. Most rogues did want that. Perhaps it was just him who needed healing. “Every man craves a bit of tenderness especially if you let him know that tender touches will lead to passionate ones.”


She jumped just a bit, clearly excited. Several parts of her jiggled and his own body, heaven help him, responded. This plan might have been a mistake. It hinged on his control, after all. He couldn’t ruin her, he just wanted to help her while he also healed himself.

Risky to be certain, but hopefully worth the gamble.

“Where do I touch him? Show me.”

He nearly tripped over his own feet. “Last night you held my hand and that was good for a first interaction.” His mouth had gone dry and he cleared his throat. “But as things progress, you’ll want to brush your hip against his.” They were approaching the sail again and as they disappeared from view, her body swayed closer, touching his. “Like this?”

His manhood responded like a dog begging for affection. “Yes,” he croaked. “For a woman of little experience, it doesn’t have to be much. Just enough to let him know you want him. He’ll respond in return.”

“This is very enlightening. What else?” She jumped again and landed with her body pressed to his side.

His entire length pulsed with need. “Well, you can brush his lower back with your hand.”

She slipped her arm from his elbow and ran her fingers along his spine. “Like that?”

They were about to come into view and he quickly tucked her hand in his elbow again. “Exactly.” He’d been wrong. This had been a terrible plan and he didn’t have the self-control to see it through. They’d only just begun, and he was tight as a sail in the wind.

“Anything else?” she asked, keenly looking at him. “Should I touch his face? It was quite nice when ye held mine. Do men like it when ye put yer hand in their hair? Or when ye touched my lip. Are yers as sensitive as mine are?”

This was hell. Or heaven. He hadn’t made up his mind. “You liked all those touches?”

“Ye know that I did. Ye’re the rake, remember? Seduction is yer game.”

It was. And right now he wanted to seduce her. Badly. But that wasn’t his intent. His hope was that she could help him forget what came after the seduction. After the passion had been satiated. “Right. Then yes. Men like all those things.”

She quieted then, looking off to

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