Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,55

SkyBound because I made you.”

I can only look at her in growing horror. I’ve been living a lie my whole life. Daddy, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.

“Ash, don’t look so hurt. None of this is your fault. I should have told you how special you are years ago – maybe you would have understood. You are the missing link in our understanding of SkyBound and LandBound biology. That’s why your so called resistance was so interested in you.”

“I don’t believe you!”

“Look around, where are they? Why would they send you right to a VWP stronghold knowing I would be here? Where’s your precious Mocha?”

A knock on the door interrupts her gloating. She looks at me smiling.

“You should know I never leave anything to chance.”

She turns to the door.

“Come in.”

I now know betrayal can hit you like a punch in the gut. The pain is unexpected, immediate, and physical. I double over, unable to breathe. My eyes fill up with tears and I find

myself sobbing her name uncontrollably.



This book has been one of my greatest challenges and I

really hope you liked it. I wanted to create characters that were real and strong while offering reasons for their actions. By the time you’ve read the series, I hope that I have shown you that even really bad characters are capable of good and good characters capable of evil. Sometimes, life happens and people change. I’ve always been interested in nanotechnology and its possibilities and always thought it would be really cool to fly. LANDED WINGS is the first in a series of books that will explore the lives of Ash and her friends as they realize they have to do something to save the world they live in. While I was writing this book, people would ask me how they could help make sure everyone has a chance to read about Ash and the battle between LandBound and SkyBound. There are some really great lists on the internet about how you can help your favorite author so I took a look at the lists and have my own list of how you can help your favorite author (that would be me!).


1. Buy the book. If you can afford it, buy it for everyone in your extended family. If you can’t afford it, ask your local

librarian to order a copy. In fact, you can suggest it to your librarian whether you buy a copy yourself or not.

2. Don’t wait until the holidays to buy copy.

3. People often ask where they should get the book - in the case of LANDED WINGS, Amazon and Kindle are the best places to purchase the book. It can also be purchased

directly from the author at

4. If you genuinely like the book, write a review on Amazon or Goodreads, mention it on Facebook and Twitter, and

recommend it to your book group.

5. If your friend’s book is fantasy/sci fi, and you’re more of a

romance fan, say something like, “I’m so proud of you for

following your passion,” and skip writing the review.

6. Help the author get speaking engagements, recommend her to your church, synagogue, mosque, ashram, kid’s school, Rotary club, etc.

7. If you have a website or blog, link to the author’s

website. The more people who link to her, the better she looks to the search engines, which may help people to find her book. To be really helpful, link to the keywords, “teen

fiction” or “teen fantasy” or “teen sci-fi”.

8. If the author could legitimately be a reference on some Wikipedia page, add her as one, with a link to the most

relevant page of her website. Authors can’t tout themselves on Wikipedia without getting a “conflict of interest” badge of shame, but there is nothing more fun for a writer than

discovering a spike in her search engine traffic due to a link posted on Wikipedia.

9. Don’t ask the author if she has thought about trying to get on Oprah. Trust me– she’s thought of that and she’s working on it.


To my mother Suki and father Evan, without your encouragement, this book would not have been possible. To my brother, Dalles, thank you for being honest about my first draft - letting me know you didn’t understand anything that was going on and that you wouldn’t recommend the book to your friends because it was too mushy. Thank you for greenlighting the final product. To all those who would read this book, thank you for your time and support. To Megan Fansler, thank you for bringing my vision to light. To my teachers and administration at the Davie County Early College, thank you for your ongoing support. To my great-grandparents, I am grateful for your sharing how the world has changed over the course of your lifetime. To my grandparents, I am grateful for your unending, unconditional support – I know how lucky I am to have known all of you and to grow up knowing all of you – I will always cherish the times we have spent together. To all my cousins, aunts, uncles - thank you for supporting my work. To Miss Angie at Creative Drama Children’s Theatre - thank you for encouraging me to spread my wings and fly.



Skylhur is a 16 year old junior at the Davie College

Early High School. While attending school, volunteering and participating in various theatrical productions, she wrote LANDED WINGS which would become her first novel. You can visit her online at or e-mail her at

[email protected].

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