Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,53

thought you two were best friends.”

“Just because we’re best friends doesn’t mean I have to

pretend she’s perfect, or that our relationship is perfect. What you don’t understand is that in every best friend relationship each person plays a role – that of the shadowed or that of the shadower. Ash can’t help being the tall, pretty one with black wings. She can’t help her restless nature that so many find attractive. She can’t help the way she looks when she walks, or speaks with profound thoughts in her head. She can’t help her beautiful voice. The only blemish on Ash’s life is probably her mother. Now me, I am the shadowed -there only to bask in Ash’s sunlight. I am the afterthought. Our lunch conversations revolve around Ash. Did you ever notice that? We all knew about her family, and her life, but we don’t know about each others. No one asked how anyone was; only Ash got asked. I hardly know about your life, Obsidian, but I know a ton about Ash’s. Being shadowed is not fun. Ash doesn’t mean to do it; I understand, and I don’t blame her. But I’m not going to sit here with you while you try to keep me in her shadow. Since Ash has been gone, I realize I’m done with that. I’m ready to be my own person now.”

It was like I was meeting Ivory for the first time. She’s right, I don’t know anything about her. I never thought about how anyone else felt around Ash. Ash was the sun and we all revolved around her. It seemed normal and no one minded. Or, no one but Ivory. It’s time to change that.

“So, Miss Ivory, what are your parents like?”

I am rewarded with the most beautiful smile, I can’t believe it took me this long to notice.

Chapter 36: GONE


My hand grips the water bottle that Slade brought me and squeezes. A little water falls from the top before I realize what I am doing. The water dribbles onto my hand and I anxiously flick it off. It’s a new feeling for me – I’ve never felt nervous before. But it hit me. That this is it. No more hiding in a safe house, dreaming about being a spy and a rebel. I don’t think I understood, then. My life is on the line. Get it together Ash. You’re life IS on the line. Focus… I sigh, and look down at my feet. They’re tapping some anxious rhythm, beating on the floor, hummingbird fast. Slade’s voice whispers at me out of the darkness: Showtime… and in front of me, the curtains open slowly, letting in a bright light into my previously dark safe haven, exposing me to the world. My eyes quickly adjust to the light and whether I am ready or not, I see my would-be audience. The first person I see is a man with thick, silky white wings and…a face that looks like Ivory’s. Before I can process what that means, I feel a jolt as I look around to see Ivory and Obsidian looking at me from the seat of a bronze couch. They have equal looks of resignation and surprise in their eyes. But their surprise doesn’t equal mine. I am struck by a feeling of dread. Suddenly cold, a million questions run through my mind all at once. What are they doing here? Do they know? Am I in danger? Is everyonelying to me? I close my eyes because I sense that I should have truly opened them long ago, but now it’s too late… and I am scared. I wish I could go back to being that girl…with only a dream…

As I open my eyes again, there is an almost mental snap in my mind. I have the sensation of something leaving me, sliding out of my mental character with a slick swish…And a presence gone. My eyes fly open in surprise. Mocha…

Chapter 37: FREEDOM


After Ash got behind the curtain, I turn around to find the

exit. I don’t hesitate. I don’t look back. She’s on her own now – I’ve done my job. Ginger can take it from here. I feel regret, and maybe something more for the hurt I will cause her. I was seriously considering not going through but the thought leaves almost as quickly as it came. Any regret I might have felt is gone, leaving only a strange coldness. It makes me pause for a second, but then that is Copyright 2016 - 2024