Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,44



I can’t see that woman doing anything like that. The only

person I know tougher than Ginger is my mom and that’s not really a good thing.

“Yeah, Ginger. She’s like my secondary mom.”

I thought about something that should have occurred to me long ago, lots of people at the meeting were wearing coats.

“Mocha, do the others have wings?”

“A few…Razz, Sloe, Custard, Cappuccino all do.”

“I can’t believe that her name is Custard.”

“She can’t believe it either.”

He looks at me sideways and we laugh.

“Can I come with you?”


“To wherever you’re getting the dye.”

He turns his head back around.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea Ash. People around here know me, but they don’t know you.”

“I’m restless Mocha. The only places I’ve been are this house and the meeting place. I want to go somewhere, do


“I know you’re restless Ash. It’s such an integral part of your character that it’s hard to forget.”

His voice sounds funny. It’s emotionless, dead. I stop


“What’s hard to forget, Mocha?”


“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s the matter.”

He’s lying, and I push towards him, trying to figure it out. I only get impressions and feelings, no words because he’s trying to block me. But I get the feeling that he thinks that because I’m so restless, that one day my itchy wings will carry me away from him. I don’t know what to tell him. Because I do get itchy wings. But I just don’t ever see me leaving without him.

“Mocha. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Mocha still isn’t moving.

“How can you live like that Ash? Never grounded, always

moving on. Are you only here until the adventure runs out?”

“I don’t see this as an adventure, Mocha, you know that. Or at least I hope you know that.”

“What about the future? You know…I mean I know we’re young, and we don’t even know if we’ll survive Friday, but what about later? What if, if we’re still together, what if we want a family? Hmm? Are you going to get bored and skip out on them too?”

Whoa. Wait, what? Family?

“Mocha, I’m seventeen, I’m not ready to talk about or even think about a family. If I had a family, I would never leave them, you should know that. Right now it’s just you and me and I would never leave you -why do you keep thinking I would?”

“Because I know how you are Ash. If something doesn’t

interest you…well then to you it’s not worth sticking with.”

“You’re wrong, I promise you. What do you want me to say?”

“There’s nothing you can say. Because you’ll still be who you are.”

He stands up and looks down at me kneeling on the floor,

holding the brush limply in my right hand. I am crestfallen. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

“But Mocha, I’m not done…”

“I have to got get the stuff early Princess.”

He walks out of the door and doesn’t look back. I think we just had an argument, but I don’t know. I don’t understand him. Is he trying to push me away so I don’t get attached? There’s something he’s not telling me but I can’t figure out what it is. I get up and put the comb back in the bathroom. I set it down slowly on the counter and stare at my reflection, trying to picture how I’ll look with red hair. When Mocha comes back, I’m just going to act normally. I don’t know what to say, so I’m not going to say anything. I hope he’ll listen to my thoughts and see that even though the restless part is there, so is a love that is sometimes so irrational it scares me.

Chapter 29: BREAKDOWN


I am ashamed at breaking down like that, especially in front of Ivory. Raven needs me to be strong. I wonder if they took her instead of me because they knew she was the strong one. Raven wouldn’t have broken down she would just do whatever needed to be done. I have to be strong if I’m going to do whatever I need to do to get Ashlynn home. I can’t be afraid to act. Not now.

“I have to go to the park. Cocoa said she was going to leave some things in a bag that I would need before Friday.”

I will never refer to her as Ashlynn’s mother again.

“Ok, we’ll go. Are…are you ok now?”

This is what I hate. I hate sympathy. Sympathy is for people not strong enough to hold in their emotions or deal with their situation. Sympathy is just a person feeling sorry for you Copyright 2016 - 2024