Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,32

Totally disconnect it.”

“And suffer the effects.”

“I know - possible reduction of mind abilities and probable memory loss of all events that took place during the joining.”

“You also know Mocha, there is another way.”

I don’t want to think about it. It throws another monkey wrench into my plans.

“I know, If…if I become closer to her, than the break will not be as serious and there will be no memory loss.”

“So why are we having this conversation? You know what you need to do Mocha, what’s the problem?”

“I didn’t say there was a problem. It’s just, I might not be able to do it.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning I may not want to.”

Ginger is silent.

“I don’t see why that’s a problem. You don’t have to leave when this is over.”

“I realize that you don’t understand, don’t see, or get why I feel like my choice is being taken away from me. I want to leave. I’ve spent my whole life fighting, wanting revenge. I want a chance to leave, start fresh and be normal.”

“Then your wanting to leave should be stronger than whatever attachment you feel.”

“Ginger, I want you to promise me that you’ll pull me out if


“Do you foresee yourself needing to be pulled out?”


“Then no, I won’t promise. Your mind is already giving you excuses to ignore logic and reason and fall into Ashlynn’s waiting arms just like you were programmed to.”

I snarl into the phone.

“I don’t fall into anyone’s arms.”

“Then handle this yourself. I’ve already told you. I’m not your shield anymore.”


“And Mocha. Don’t call me anymore. Her connection to you is growing. If she ever overhears you, the illusion we’ve created is shattered. Right now, we’ve got lives banking on that illusion never faltering.”

“Don’t treat me like I don’t understand the risks, Ginger. This was your decision, remember? You created this risk without telling me why. Why do we need Ash? She is a weak link and that weakness worries me. What happens if your plan fails?”

At first, I don’t get a response and just when I am about to

repeat my question, I hear Ginger speak.

“It won’t. I never leave anything to chance.”

Chapter 19: GONE


“I swear to you there was a note here.”

I’m more agitated now than I was before. I know I dropped the note on the floor. My hands are still sticky from pulling it out of the ice cream! I could show my hands to Ivory, but that’s not proof. There’s nothing there. I stop and breathe. I look around, calmly, because I don’t want Ivory to think I’m crazy. She probably already does, but I can’t stand not being believed. I scour the kitchen with my eyes, and there! I spot something white. I bend over, a smile already on my face, when I notice that I’ve picked up a mint wrapper. I feel panic trying to sink its slim claws in my throat, but I won’t let it out.

“Come on, Ivory, help me look.”

I’m striving for unruffled, but my voice sounds strained and hoarse.

“Obsidian. Stop. Are you absolutely sure there was a note in the ice cream?”

I can hear it - the disbelief in her voice. Panic finds a new


“Yes, yes, I’m positive. I swear, I promise, there was a note. How could I imagine a note?”

“I didn’t say anything about you imagining it.”

“Look. All I know right now is that my sister is gone. All I know is that there was a note in my ice cream from her. And I know that it’s gone. I could probably search the whole house and not find it. I know it sounds crazy, but I can’t feel her Ivory. You don’t understand. You’re not a twin. If you were, you’d know that being a twin means you are always aware of each other, even if you don’t realize it. And right now, I can’t feel her. At all. I can’t feel her.”

Panic inches slowly closer to its intended destination. She is still looking at me skeptically, and I look down at my hands. Maybe the note got stuck there by the – that’s it!

“Ivory, look at my hands!”

She gives me an incredulous look and slowly looks down.

“They’re covered in chocolate, see?”

“Yeah…what does this have to do with anything?”

“Well, I didn’t put the lid back on the ice cream, because if I had, there would be chocolate residue all over it. So someone was in here! And they could have taken the note!”


Ivory looks at me carefully.

“You realize it could have been your parents, right? Who closed the Copyright 2016 - 2024