Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,29

others, you could come to the meeting with me today and we’ll start you doing something.”

“What do you think they’ll have me do?”

“Recon, probably. That’s what they give newbies.”

“Sounds dangerous.”

“Not as dangerous as infiltration.”

“That’s you, right?”


“You’re careful out there, right Mocha?”

“Ash, we talked about this.”

“I know…and I know that I’m not giving you much

reassurance with your attachment issue. Just be extra

careful. ”

“We don’t have to go right now, do we?”

“No. Not for a while.”

“Mocha…I’ve been thinking. I think that I should let the

other’s know I’m alright. It’s not fair that I just left and didn’t say anything. I feel like I owe it to them.”

“How will you tell them? You can’t go back up there Ash.”

“Why not? I could go for just for a few minutes, at night.”

“How would you let them know?”

“I can leave a note in Ivory’s top drawer. She goes in there everyday.”

I can’t help the wistfulness in my voice. I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss them.

“So you’re going to break into Ivory’s house – at night, sneak in a note and leave without anyone seeing or hearing you.”

“Okay, when you put it like that I see how ridiculous it sounds but I miss my friends, I miss being with them.”

“I’m sorry you couldn’t bring them with you.”

“I know. I don’t blame you Mocha. They wouldn’t have come with me And I would have left eventually anyway. I would have eventually gone crazy up there. All I had was singing and


“You miss it, don’t you? Singing and flying?”

“Yes. I do.


“Yes Mocha?”

He doesn’t say anything, but there is a struggle on his face.

“What is it?”


I know when to let it go – I leave it at that.



“Mocha? What is it?”

“I can’t do this.”

I know I sound panicked, but I can’t help it.

“I think she’s doing it back to me.”


“The mind-con.”

“Why do you think that?”

“I felt the tingle. And for some reason, she’s getting to me even more. It’s only been a few weeks! I’m not like that. I’m not like her.”

“If she’s doing that, then she’s stronger then we think.”

Ginger sounds elated.

“This isn’t a good thing! It’s not. I can’t afford to like her. At all. Because as soon as this is done, I’m going. This is my last job Ginger. That’s what we agreed on.”

“From what you’re telling me, you may not be able to.”

“I’m leaving if I feel like there will be a point when I can’t.”

There is no compromise or contestation in my voice. On this, I am unyielding.

“Honor your promise Mocha. Stick with this till the end. Put up defenses if you have to.”

“She’s stronger than me. It may not be enough. Or she may sense it.”

“Not this early.”

“You’re not around her.”

“I’ll see when you bring her.”

“We’re coming to the next one.”

“Good. And Mocha?”


“Don’t let some silly teenage girl manipulate you, or your

mother will have died for nothing.”

Once again she hangs up on me.

Chapter 17: TAKEN


After I read the note, I drop it to the ground. It flutters down, weightless as a feather. I want to scream out of rage. I reach out to see if I can feel Raven, but there is nothing. I run out the door and pinwheel into the sky.

“Raven! Raven!”

I scream till my throat runs hoarse. Where is everyone? My mind is jumbled. What do I do? Where’s Ivory, Bramble, Persimmon, Sangria - anyone? Where’s my other half, my matching puzzle piece, where’s Raven? I fly straight to Ivory’s house and hit the ground hard.

“Ivory, Ivory, Ivory…”

My throat is so raw. My words come out weak and whispery. I hammer on her door.

“What, what?”

Ivory yanks the door open, irritated. She looks at my face and goes as pale as her wings.

“What happened to Raven?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know, she left a note in the ice cream, she’s not home, she’s not with you, I don’t know.”

“Obsidian. Calm down.”

Ivory looks as scared as I feel.

“What did the note say?”

“Two things, two things, two things. I’m sorry, Help. I’m sorry, Help.”

I’m babbling and frantic and I don’t make sense. I don’t want to break down, not here, not now but my twin is gone, possibly hurt. No! No, she’s not hurt, I’d know if she was hurt. First Ash, now my sister. What’s going on?

“It said, I’m sorry and Help, that’s it. Ive, it was hidden in the ice cream.”

“Obsidian, I don’t understand. You’re not making sense.”

I breathe, just breathe, and pull myself physically up. I fold my wings in and look up.

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