Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,19

getting to a good place. A singing gig, happy enough to amend things, at least partially, with my mother, and a world that has more to it then I had first thought. I look up at Mocha to see a weird expression on his face. It is hard and unsympathetic while the look in his eyes seems like they are saying sorry for whatever he is about to say or do.

“Ash…you’re not going to like what I’m about to say.”

“Just tell me. It can’t be worse than not having a home.”

His expression hardened even more when my voice cracked on home.

“I haven’t had a home for fifteen years. So suck it up

Princess, because there can be worse.”

Well that stopped me crying.

“Listen Ash, I know who your mother is. I know what she’s part of. I know what she did to you. She is part of the group I told you about – the ones who hurt LandBound. She is why I am down here. I’m with the resistance, and she’s part of the organization I’m trying to stop. I couldn’t tell you this before, because I didn’t think I could trust you and…”

He stops for just a second.

“I know this sounds cruel, and I won’t blame you if you hate me. I won’t stop you from running. I was the one on the other end of the phone today. I was the one who made sure to call when you were going to be home so that you would hear her. But I want you to why all this is happening. It’s because there’s something in you…something that can help us.”

I let go of his hand.

“You destroyed my family.”

“I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Your mother

destroyed your family long before you met me.”

“If you need me so much, why do you keep walking away from me, telling me to leave? And why-”

Mocha cuts me off.

“Because I knew you would come back. I don’t know you all that well, but I did know you’d come back.”

“Why can’t you tell me about why you need me? If I don’t know what it is, how can I help? Why should I help?”

“I can’t tell you about your part in this, Ash, that’s for

someone else to do.”

“Then tell me about what they do. The people with my mother. Tell me all about them.”

Chapter 10: VWP


Mocha starts to speak, words I can tell he’s spoken before.

“The VWP – Volunteers for World Peace - started as a benevolent institution whose mission was to provide aid in natural disasters. They were run by volunteers who felt like they had a calling to help all living kind. The volunteers made decisions collectively and it worked for a while. Years ago, the volunteers voted to elect a small group of people who would make decisions on behalf of the group. VWP had grown too big and small decisions like where to hold meetings would take weeks to make because every vote had to be counted. The governing body was allowed to campaign for votes and the 12 people who secured the most votes became the executive branch of the VWP. At the time, anyone could say they were VWP members, there were no systems in place to check membership. If there were, then maybe things would be different today. You see, the people who got the most votes or better yet, the people who said they got the most votes came in with a plan. They were mostly environmental social scientists…”

“What’s an environmental social scientist?”

“A environmental social scientist is someone who studies

society and individual relationships in and to society as it

relates to the environment. Before I go on, I have to make a confession. I wouldn’t want you to think I’m smarter than I am, I’ve been studying their history for years – I know it like the back of my wing.”

I smile.

“Thanks for telling me, I was starting to feel stupid.”

“No problem. Okay, so the scientists infiltrated the VWP

because they had a theory they wanted to put to test. The theory was that living beings social behaviors caused natural disasters. They determined that if the social behavior of living beings caused natural disasters, then natural disasters could be eliminated by controlling behavior. The scientists already knew that viruses introduced into the blood stream could cause psychological and therefore behavioral changes. They had already perfected a virus that caused physical changes that again, triggered psychological and behavioral changes. They needed a pool of people they could experiment Copyright 2016 - 2024