Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,16

admit I am startled by his answer – who wouldn’t want to be SkyBound? I’m not cocky or anything – it just seems like an easier life.

“Why not - our people are responsible for all of societies’

advancements and are responsible for the peace we enjoy.”

Oh no! I sound just like my mother! When did that happen?!

“I almost feel sorry for you – you have no idea what your

people are capable of in the name of societies’ advancements and world peace. The atrocities I’ve seen SkyBound commit over the years are enough to make anyone renounce them.”

“What have you seen? Is that why you are down here?”

“You don’t really want to know the answer to that question. If I tell you, describe in detail what your people have done – what changes? Do you go back and live your perfect little life, flying free while guilt keeps you awake at night? Or do you stay with the LandBound and fight for justice. What happens if you find out the very people you’re fighting against are the same ones who provide the perfectly privileged life you lead? In all your years, have you ever thought about the people who make the lives of SkyBound possible? You live a life of unearned privileges for no other reason than you are SkyBound. Have you ever asked yourself why Sky Patrol governs the sky and land? Do you know why you’re not allowed to be here? The truth is you don’t really want to know what I’ve seen…what I know… because deep down, you’re scared you might have to do something about it. Princess, do yourself a favor, keep your questions to yourself and head home before it’s too late. You have to leave. You have to leave and not come back because there are those who would not hesitate to hurt you for what little you know.”

“I don’t know anything!”

“You know the people down here are not the docile, smiling people you thought they were. You know I’m here. You know all LandBound do not accept their second class status. You know that some LandBound are born that way – despite what you’ve been told. That’s enough to make them worry.”

“Who is "them"?”

“I can’t answer that.”

I feel like flapping my wings in frustration.

“If we can’t talk here, come with me. Up to the sky. So that we can talk freely.”

He flashes me an angry, ironic smile.

“I can’t.”


“I can’t tell you that either.”

“So that’s it? You walk away and I’m supposed to sit on the knowledge that my people were responsible for horrible things but you won’t tell me what those things are? And that I can’t do anything?”

“Yes. And not were responsible. Are, they still are.”

As he’s talking, I can see the emotional struggle on his face.


He traces my cheek with his finger and I can’t help but

wonder what he wants.

“Goodbye Princess.”

He walks away and this time I don’t try stop him. Although he is saying goodbye, I don’t believe it’ll be the last time I see him. How can it be?




“Mission Accomplished.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I got a good read on her thoughts.”

“Good. We’re on the right track.”

“I’m not really comfortable with this Ginger.”

Her voice gets hard.

“Do you remember your mother Mocha? Do you remember that? Because I do. Did you know that they took a video? That I had to watch it? Remember her, Mocha, when you start feeling uncomfortable with this.”

I am silent. There is a mixture of fury and sadness for a mother I couldn’t remember and would never have.

“Do you trust me Mocha?” Ginger asks softly.


“Then just do it.”

She hangs up. I don’t have to send any more thoughts to Ash. Her own mind will do the work for me now. I’ve planted the thoughts deep enough. I know what will happen. I’ve done it before. Something will tell her to come. First, she will question it, then rationalize it, and before she knows it, she will be right back here, looking for me. I turn and walk down the alley towards home. I’m disgusted with myself, but the picture in my mind of my mother dying, with blood spilling out of her mouth, squashes any misgivings. Ginger doesn’t know it but I watched the video too.



School the next day seemed trite and meaningless. There is something going on, a dark and twisted something I wasn’t aware of before. I wonder what atrocities Mocha had been talking about. I look around me and just see kids. Maybe the Copyright 2016 - 2024