Lake Magic - By Kimberly Fisk Page 0,55

months. The fact that Anna was now ogling the man wreaking havoc in Jenny’s life was just plain wrong. “He’s working.”

“I can see that.”

“We shouldn’t interrupt him. We both know how much you hate to be interrupted at work. Jared’s the same way.” Okay, she’d made that up, but it was probably true.

“I don’t think he’ll mind. I’m sure he’s anxious to meet your family.” Anna’s look was a clear reminder that Jenny could have avoided this if she had brought him to their father’s party.

Jenny considered dragging her sister back to the house. The last thing she wanted was for Anna and Jared to meet. For Jared and any of her family to meet for that matter. Like the rest of them, he had no trouble trotting out all of her flaws. She could just imagine what a field day he and her family would have comparing notes on all of Jenny’s shortcomings.

But before Jenny could act, Anna called out, “Hello.” Her voice carried loud and clear.

Jared paused and turned their way.

Anna waved, and Jenny rolled her eyes. Her normally reserved and studious sister was making a spectacle of herself. And that was before she motioned for him to join them.

Jared set down the tool he’d been working with and made his way toward them, wiping his hands off on the seat of his jeans. His long legs ate up the distance.

Jenny glared at him as he drew near. Glared at him and then at the shirt he still hadn’t put on.

He flashed her sister one of the bone-melting grins he reserved for women other than Jenny. “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure.”

“Dr. Anna Adams. Jenny’s sister.”

Doctor. Of course her sister had to throw that in.

“Jared Worth. It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m sorry we couldn’t meet last Friday.”

“Friday?” he questioned, his brow creasing.

“Yes. At our father’s birthday party. Jenny said you had a previous commitment.”

Jenny found herself the object of Jared’s full attention. While that might be most girls’ dreams, it wasn’t hers.

She made sure to tell herself that twice.

“Yes,” he answered Anna, still looking at Jenny. “Maybe next time.”

“Will you be staying long?” Anna asked.

“No,” Jenny said at the same time Jared replied, “Depends.”

Anna looked from one to the other, then laughed softly. “Interesting.” She held out her hand. “I wish I could stay longer and chat, but I’ve got to get going. It was nice meeting you.”

He shook her hand. “Likewise.”

Anna smiled one last time, then finally followed Jenny back to her car.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Jenny said the moment they were out of his earshot.

“Do what?”

“You know what. Introduce yourself.”

“Why ever not? He’s your partner.”

“Stop calling him that. And he’s not going to be around long enough for it to matter if he meets any of you. He’s leaving. Soon.” They reached the car. Her nephew was still in the backseat listening to his iPod and doing a good imitation of ignoring the world.

“Hmmm,” was her sister’s only reply.

Jenny let the subject drop, like she always did when she and her sister disagreed. “Before you arrived I was just about to head inside for a glass of lemonade. Would you and Cody care to join me?” She didn’t really care if her teenage mutant nephew ever got out of the car, but excluding him would be rude. Besides, she’d only have to endure his company for a short while until they left.

“Mix or homemade?”

Lusting over the enemy and insulting her culinary skills. Perfect. “Homemade.”

“No thanks,” Anna said on a laugh. “But I do have a favor to ask.”

“A favor?” Jenny was certain her surprise showed. She couldn’t remember the last time her sister had asked her for anything.

“I got the promotion.”

Of course she had. “Congratulations.” Jenny tried to put some enthusiasm behind the compliment.

“The new job means a lot of overtime. More hours. Longer days. Weekends.”

“Sounds tough.”

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

It was true, and they both knew it.

“I’m actually heading in to work now,” she added.

“On a Saturday?”

Her sister let out a sigh. “Do you listen to anything I say? I just explained how I’ll have to work weekends.”

“Right,” Jenny said. Frankly, her sister’s work schedule didn’t interest her in the least. She had enough to deal with.

“That’s why I’m here.” Anna paused. “I need you to watch Cody.”


Anna crossed her arms. “Believe me, you were my last choice.”

“Thanks a lot.” Not that Jenny wanted to watch her nephew, but the insult hurt, nonetheless.

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Yes, you did.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just Copyright 2016 - 2024