Lake Magic - By Kimberly Fisk Page 0,45

car, they’d been enchanted by Jenny. While they were completing paperwork and paying for their charter, she’d talked to them like they were old friends. And they’d responded. Opened up in a way Jared had never seen between strangers before. When Jenny learned they were going to visit their daughter and new grandbaby, she’d insisted on going out into her flower beds and putting together a huge bouquet. The couple had been moved by Jenny’s generosity. And as Jared had continued to watch Jenny in action, he had to admit she not only had a way with flowers but also with people. By the time the older couple boarded the plane, they were giving Jenny hugs and promising her they’d be using Blue Sky a lot more in the future.

For all her faults, Jenny Beckinsale was customer service at its finest.

The plane sputtered to life, and Zeke began to pilot it to the middle of the lake. As Jenny waved good-bye, Jared shook his head. He still didn’t understand why anyone would pay to be jostled around like monkeys in a tin can. Then again, it looked like most people agreed with him. This was only their second charter this week, and no more were scheduled for the weekend. How the seaplane stayed afloat (pun intended) was beyond him.

A breeze blew off the lake and molded Jenny’s blouse to her. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Even with the distance that separated them, her perfection was unmistakable. He’d been surprised when he’d first seen her this morning. Unlike the casual clothes she’d worn the last couple of days, today, with a charter scheduled, she’d dressed up. She wore a long, fitted blue skirt that hugged her just right and a white blouse that every time he looked at it reminded him of crisp sheets and hot nights. Her high heels matched her skirt and accentuated her legs. She was stunning. Professional yet provocative. But it didn’t matter what she wore; he was fast learning that he found her irresistible.

As he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket, he thought about the engagement ring she still wore. It was the only reminder he needed to keep his eye on the prize. The right prize: Mexico.

He squinted into the weak sun and turned to watch Zeke navigate west and prepare for takeoff. The clunky plane bounced along the lake like a waterlogged buoy, going so slow it was a wonder it ever managed to get airborne. There was no power. No grace or stealth. No roar of the twin jet engines.

It wasn’t an F-18.

Jared silently cursed. Dwelling on the past wouldn’t solve his current problem.

The soft click of heels on the dock drew his attention. Jenny was making her way toward him, but instead of pausing, she breezed right past, ignoring him. Just like she’d been doing ever since he’d moved in.

One look, and it was clear to see how much his presence in her life—in her house—was pissing her off. The more upset she was with him, the quicker he’d get his money, he reasoned. But something had gone wrong with his plan.

The front door banged shut behind her.

For nearly a week, he’d been more patient than he’d ever been in his life. When she’d stormed out of the house after that disastrous breakfast, he’d been certain she was running to her parents or to the bank to get his money. But as Sunday turned into Monday, then Tuesday into Wednesday, doubts settled. He brushed them aside, reminded himself it took time to get funds together. But tomorrow it would be one week since he’d set things in motion. And in anyone’s book, that was plenty of time.

Last night, he’d finally faced the truth: Jenny had no intention of getting him his money.

All week, he’d put up with her crap. From her god-awful breakfasts to her hot temper and cold stares, he took it all in stride. If putting him through her idea of hell helped ease the pain of handing over the money, he was more than happy to oblige. Besides, if she thought bad food would get rid of him, she didn’t know shit about the military. And her coffee. At first, he’d almost kissed her when the coffeepot had reappeared. Lack of caffeine in the morning turned him into a real bastard, and when he’d opened the front door after a particularly grueling run, he’d all but sighed in pleasure at the smell. Then he Copyright 2016 - 2024