Lake Magic - By Kimberly Fisk Page 0,110

and she knew she’d always been a bit of a disappointment in bed. He was generous and kind and giving, and Jenny had loved him with her whole heart, but she’d never been able to just let herself go like she knew he wanted her to. But tonight, in a crowded museum, where anyone could see, she had become a woman she didn’t know in Jared’s arms.


Not long after Jenny arrived home, she heard the Corvette pull in her driveway. A few minutes later, Jared knocked on her bedroom door, but she refused to answer. He called to her several times, and when she continued to remain silent, he tried the handle, but it was locked. She knew she was being a coward. She knew she should open her door and talk to him, try to explain. And she would. But not tonight. Even now her body still hummed and burned for him. She closed her eyes and let her tears fall onto her pillow. Guilt still tore at her, but so did another thought. For six years she had been engaged to Steven. Six years she’d waited for him to find roots.

Flyboys fly. How often had he told her that? She would have waited a lifetime for him to settle down, and when he told her he was getting out of the military and wanted to start the business in Hidden Lake, she knew all her dreams had been about to come true. Now she was falling for another flyboy. But unlike Steven, this one would never have roots. The evidence was right before her—in the duffel bag he never unpacked. She was on the verge of falling in love with Jared, and she couldn’t let that happen. He’d break her heart, and this time she knew she’d never get it back together.

Jenny wasn’t surprised when the phone rang first thing the next morning. She was even less surprised that it was her mother.

“Jenny, Anna told us what happened last night.”

Jenny didn’t say a word. Anna didn’t know what happened, but seeing Jenny in such a state, she’d probably guessed.

“Honey, do you want to talk about it?”


Her mother sighed. “Your father and I talked this morning, and we want to give you the money to buy out your partner.”

For one dizzying moment, Jenny considered accepting their offer. Even though it was the last thing she wanted to do, she knew she had to get Jared out of her life and quickly. For so long she’d been trying to make a success of Blue Sky on her own, but now she didn’t know if her heart was strong enough to survive him.

“Think about it, honey,” her mom said when Jenny continued to remain silent. “We’re here to help whenever you need us.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Not long after, she heard Jared head out for his morning run. While he was gone, she took a shower. As she dressed, she thought about her parents’ offer. It would be so easy, just like it had been every other time she’d let them bail her out. She knew her family was waiting—expecting—for her to once again fail. But this time, she wasn’t going to. Blue Sky had become more than just a tie to Steven. It had also become a huge part of her. She’d never worked so hard for anything in her life.

Tell me, have you ever got past a secretary?

I saw the files you worked up.

If you’re the businesswoman you say you are, you’ll figure it out.

Jared’s words came back to her. She hated to admit it, but he’d been right. All those calls she’d made had gone nowhere. She was just a voice on the phone. Why should anyone take her or her business seriously?

Pulling off the jeans and sweater she’d just put on, she got out her one and only business suit. As she put it on, she noticed that it didn’t hang on her like it had a few weeks ago. She didn’t know why, but this pleased her. Somehow, the gaining of a few pounds made her feel as if she was getting back to her old self. To brighten the black outfit, she put a pink shell underneath then hurried down to her office. There, she found the files and spreadsheets she had been working on. She placed them in Steven’s old briefcase, then started for the door, only to realize she needed to make one important call before leaving.

Picking up the phone, she dialed her parents’ number. When Copyright 2016 - 2024