Lake Magic - By Kimberly Fisk Page 0,104

twisted his own lid off and took a drink.

“Thought sissies like you needed a glass.”

“No. But I’ll take an answer.”

Jared leaned his butt against the workbench. He was spoiling for a fight, and Hart wasn’t biting. Seeing Kenny standing in front of him was like seeing everything he’d lost paraded before him. “You know the answer.”

“You were given a raw deal, I’ll give you that—”

“Raw deal? It was political, and I was left out to dry.”

Kenny shoved a hand in his back pocket. “The CO’s been busting balls to make this right. Talk to him.”

“I said everything I needed to during the inquiry.”

“Why didn’t you let the squadron argue on your behalf? Every one of us wanted to be there.”

“I fight my own battles.”

“Maybe it’s time you stopped being such a damn one-man show and remember that you’re part of a team.”

Jared laughed. “I hear Dear Abby is looking for an assistant. You’d be perfect.”

“Looks like you need the job more than me. I’m still flying.”

Jared pushed away from the bench and stood tall. “Give me the damn tux, and get the hell out of here.”

“On one condition. You talk to the CO.”

Jared didn’t bother answering. He walked to the Porsche and opened the door. He scanned the interior, and when he didn’t see what he was looking for, he popped the trunk. Ignoring the suitcase, he grabbed the garment bag and slammed the trunk shut. “Thanks. Now leave.”

Kenny leaned against the side of the sports car. “Whose place is this, anyway?”

“None of your damn business.”

“Humor me.”

Jared glared at him. “No one you know.” Steven had left the squadron before Hart had joined.

A grin spread across Kenny’s face as he looked past Jared’s shoulder. “I think I’m about to find out.”

Jared turned and saw Jenny coming down the porch steps. He let out a low curse. Dressed in a white skirt and a pink T-shirt, she walked toward them like a queen. Her head was high, her shoulders back, and her hot pink toenails flashed in the sun as her flip-flops made a smacking noise against the bottom of her feet. Jared had seen a lot of women wear a hell of a lot less, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to throw a blanket over Jenny and cover her from head to toe. Where was that damn robe of hers when he needed it?

Then he looked to Kenny, and Jared saw exactly where his gaze had gone. Jared saw red, and instead of wanting to cover Jenny, he wanted to punch Kenny square in the face.

Completely ignoring Jared, she smiled brightly at Kenny. “Hello.”

“Hellooo, gorgeous.”

She laughed, and the sound tore at Jared’s gut. Since the night of Cody’s call she hadn’t said one word to him. Not one. She’d even stopped yelling. It was better this way, he kept telling himself. Easier. When he left, she would feel only relief. But that didn’t stop him from wanting her to smile at him just one more time. Once more, so the image of her hurt-filled eyes would leave him.

“I’m Jenny. Jenny Beckinsale.” She held out her hand, and Kenny took hold like it was a life ring and he was a sinking man.

“Kenny Hart.”

“Are you here for a charter? I don’t have you on the schedule.” Her smile lit up the day, and she used her free hand to tuck her unbound hair behind her ears.

“A charter?”

The bastard still hadn’t let go of her hand.

Jared shot him a look that Hart ignored. Jared took a step forward, and Kenny finally got the message. He dropped her hand.

She motioned to the plane at the end of the dock.

Kenny shot his gaze to Jared. “You have freakin’ got to be kidding me.”

“I take it that means no.” Jenny’s voice floated over to Jared like a soft breeze. He didn’t care that she was talking to pretty boy. Hearing her voice was enough.

“Let’s not be too hasty.” Kenny put his arm around her shoulder. “Just exactly what are you chartering?”

She laughed again.

“Back off, Hart.” Jared’s voice was low and dead serious.

“I don’t think so.”

“Back off or get it torn off.”

Surprise flickered briefly through Kenny’s gaze before he dropped his arm from around Jenny. “I don’t believe it.”

“Don’t believe what?” Jenny asked.

Kenny stared at Jared for a long time, then a slow, knowing smile curved his mouth. “Nothing, honey. I’ll explain it another time.”

Jared moved between them. “There won’t be a next time.”

Kenny gave Jenny a conspiratorial wink. “He’s in a foul mood.”

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