A Lady's Forever Love - Bridget Barton Page 0,62

room that Lord Reginald Waddington could not care less about the little gamekeeper upstart who was challenging him. Nigel took a step back. “When you return, then,” he said quietly. “These men here shall be our witnesses.”

The men gathered around turned back to their games, sitting and shuffling again as if they had only left their actions for a moment. There was, however, a conspicuous lack of conversation. Nigel raised his eyes to Andrew’s and shook his head, just once, as if to tell the other man that he could not endure a moment longer in the same room with the villain Waddington.

“I beg your leave, gentleman,” Nigel said, bowing crisply and then walking out into the hallway. No one, not even Sir Arthur, followed him. When the door had shut behind him, Nigel distinctly heard Reginald’s laugh, cool and derisive, chasing him from the house back to the village where he belonged.

Chapter 20

Margaret looked for Nigel on the day after their walk on the cliffs, but he did not come. She didn’t even see him at his father’s house that evening or the next morning. She kept going to the window making up excuses to see if he had come by. But there was no sign of him.

She kicked herself for the way she had spoken so flippantly on the cliff about marriage. There was something undisguised in his eyes when she had suggested that they marry instead – something terrifying and honest.

She had watched him tuck that feeling away as they made their way back to her father’s estate, but the damage had been done. She had seen the pain on his face. And though she continued to deny it aloud, her heart knew that she had wounded him unforgivably.

Poppy was her consolation, of course, prattling on at length about how delighted she had been to find the soldier in the stable, how she hoped the soldier would come back and show her the ponies, how nice the soldier was. It warmed Margaret’s heart, but it was confusing as well. Her own emotions had been stirred on that cliffside and hearing always of how beloved Nigel was to her little charge only confused her further.

The next day was even quieter than the one before. Poppy was overtired after a run outside in the fields and went to bed early. Margaret occupied herself with the general management of the house until after the evening meal, at which point she settled herself in the parlour and tried to read. Her eyes kept blurring the page before her, and minutes would pass in reverie before she realised she wasn’t reading at all – she was only thinking of him.

It was dark outside when her father returned home. He stamped down the hallway, and she heard him snap at the butler before slamming the door to his study. Margaret stood, worried. Her father was not prone to outward outbursts such as this. She walked into the hall and smiled tenderly at the abused butler.

“I will go in and see what is the matter,” she said quietly. “You run along and fetch some dinner for him. I’m sure a bit of duck and sherry will set everything right again.”

She knocked tentatively on his door. It had been a few days now since everything had gone to seed with Lord Waddington, and in that time her father had not spoken to her more than was absolutely necessary. But in the past she had tried to be there for him in times of distress. She received no answer, but took a deep breath and opened the door anyway. He was standing by his desk, staring out of the window, a crumpled piece of paper in his hands.


He stiffened visibly, and Margaret almost thought better of her choice to come in and see him. He hardly appeared to be in a state suitable for receiving her…or anyone.

“What is it, Margaret?” His voice was cold, frigid.

“Father, I heard you in the hall outside and was worried. What has happened?”

“Go to bed, Margaret. I do not wish to speak of it right now.” He turned and she saw the dull fury in his eyes, mixed with a weariness that tugged at her heart. “I would rather not speak of it ever, but I believe the option will be taken from me. Please, allow me until morning to not have to face this.”

“Father, I’m frightened.” Margaret stepped into the room. “Has something happened at the House of Lords to

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