A Lady's Forever Love - Bridget Barton Page 0,18

when we are next in London,” – and other pressures to connect them.

Margaret liked Amanda, but she could see that Amanda was in every way different from the poor, wholesome, too-trusting Molly. Amanda was also from Cornwall but was rarely there once she’d come out in society a few years earlier. She said the country was too dull for her tastes and laughed at those who loved it.

It was Amanda’s family who hosted the first ball of the season, and Margaret had her things sent ahead to change upstairs in preparation for the affair. Poppy had been seen happily settled at home with Carrie, and Margaret found herself looking forward to a bit of frippery. She walked upstairs to the room where Amanda was getting dressed and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” a voice chirped cheerfully in welcome.

She opened the door and saw her friend sitting elegantly on a chair in the centre of the room while two people re-arranged her curls atop her head. Amanda was beautiful, although her beauty was the sort of curated elegance that one felt could not be touched.

Her hair was very dark and very coiffed, always in the latest fashion, and this particular day she greeted Margaret in a stunning ball gown of rich peach overlaid with embroidered lace, her well-formed figure held up in all the right places, long satin gloves tracing her slender arms. Her eyes were dark, almost as dark as her hair, and fringed with long lashes. She waved for Margaret to come in and smiled at her brightly.

“I would stand, of course, but I cannot put the hairdressers off,” she said in explanation.

“There is no need.” Margaret saw that her own gown had already been laid out on the bed.

“You are a sight for sore eyes,” Amanda said with a sigh. “Do you know, I have never really enjoyed the season as much as I anticipate enjoying a season with you? It seemed so strange to parade about when my dearest friend was not allowed to walk at my side. I shall take great pleasure walking about the ballroom with Lady Margaret this evening, watching the eyes drawn to our figures.” She smiled teasingly.

Margaret always found herself charmed by Amanda. Her friend was very popular in London and considered a fashion icon amongst ladies and gentlemen alike. That, coupled with her tendency to be superficial and pampered, always led Margaret to think less of her when they were apart.

When they came together, however, Margaret was always reminded that her dear friend was really very kind. She had not the life experience to know her own privilege, but she hadn’t a mean or selfish bone in her body and offered her friendship openly, warmly.

Margaret came over and clasped the hand Amanda held out to her. “I believe you would feel the gaze of all even if I wasn’t with you,” she said tenderly. “But I admit I am excited to get out of the house at last and embark, wide-eyed and easily awed, on the London season.”

“You are not so wide-eyed,” Amanda said breathlessly. “I heard that you recently took a little ward under your care. Dear, I cannot imagine doing such a thing, sacrificing my own freedom for the sake of a fisherman’s daughter. But I must condone your actions. Clearly, you have spent the time away from the London season growing mature and wise, not dealing in foppery as I have.”

“Even I know that maturity and wisdom are not compliments in the world of London,” Margaret teased in response. “Isn’t it better to be quite elegant and have all the right jokes ready at the right time?”

“And beauty,” Amanda said. “You have that in spades.”

“I haven’t lost my youthful charm?” Margaret asked archly.

Amanda laughed and tossed her head back. “Do you know what is wonderful about you?” she asked. “You are the sort of person who can ask such a question without fishing for a compliment. I’m not certain that you would care overmuch if I told you you’d lost your youthful charm.”

The two ladies helping Amanda put the finishing touches on her hair and then began to bustle about Margaret. It was a little overwhelming to have so much expert attention when Margaret was accustomed to the simplicity of Carrie’s help. But she stood up for what she wanted and, in the end, liked what she saw in the mirror on the other side of the room.

She had chosen an emerald gown to wear to this first

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