The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,96

blessed relief, he thought as fresh air rushed into his lungs.

“You lie!” Jenny Blackheath snarled.

“No, you’re deluded,” Oliver said, watching as one of the big men untied Daniel’s hands.

“Go to your brother and prepare to fight to the death,” she said. “I want you both to suffer as my father did. You will fight the McGill brothers and die at their hands.”

“You want us to fight the McGills?” Oliver said as Daniel walked toward him hoping he did not receive a bullet in his back.

“You will fight them,” Jenny Blackheath declared.

“I have not fought in years,” Oliver said, dismounting. “The favor weighs heavy on the side of the McGills, who have a fierce reputation.”

“You fight them, or I kill you now,” she said.

“You certainly have your uncle’s and father’s manners, Miss Blackheath. They were rude also,” Oliver said, reaching for Daniel as he arrived at his side. He was then grabbed in a fierce hug.

“I am well, Oliver.”

“I was scared.”

“I know, but I am all right.”

“As you will stay.” His brother released him.

“Prepare to fight!” Jenny Blackheath shrieked.

“You’re certainly as dramatic as your father and uncle also,” Oliver said, and Daniel grunted his approval. Like him, his brother would never show weakness.

“I will fight each of the brothers. My brother is fatigued from his journey and the illness he has just recovered from, so he will not last long against a McGill.”

“Like hell.” Daniel shrugged off his jacket.

“These two are unbeaten, brother,” Oliver said, doing the same. “Dirty fighters, and they have swept England beating many of their opponents senseless,” he said under his breath.

“You will both fight, and I will watch you both die,” Jenny Blackheath crowed. “You are not the man you once were, but my boys wanted to beat you, as they’d heard of your reputation.”

“I’m starting to really dislike her,” Oliver said. “Keep your guard up and remember everything you were taught, Daniel.”

“I will.”

“Move your feet. These two are big and strong, but not agile.”

“Who is here?” Daniel whispered.

“Raine and his brothers, Ben and Will, and your beloved.”

“You allowed her to come?” Daniel only just managed to whisper the words. “What the hell were you and Raine thinking?”

“Clearly she is a lot stronger than you believe. Now focus on her, brother, and how you need to get out of this alive.”

“Where are they?”

“Out of sight… for now.”

“She has men in the trees.”

“We are prepared, have no fear on that front, but until they can come for us, we must stay alive.”

As they’d spoken, the other men had come out of the trees and stood around the clearing, backs turned, arms trained on the forest. It seemed Jenny Blackheath was taking no chances on anyone interrupting them.

“Why do you want to fight us?” Daniel asked.

“We are sick of having your name thrown at us,” one of the brothers said. “We are the best, but many say we would never have beaten you.” He pointed at Oliver.

“You do realize that if you win and kill us, you will not be able to brag about it as you’ll end up hanging from a noose. Of course this does not concern me greatly, however the deaths of myself and my brother do.”

The men looked at each. Clearly this thought had not entered their heads.

“Imbeciles,” Oliver muttered.

“My brother is now many years older and has not fought for a living since he was a young man. He no longer steps into the ring.” It was a lie of course; Oliver kept extremely fit.

“No, please, stop,” Oliver whispered. “My head will surely swell.”

“For a man of his extended years, this will not be easy,” Daniel continued.

“Oh come now, extended years?” Oliver was disgusted.

“Be quiet!” Jenny Blackheath was clearly not amused. “The fight begins now. Enter the arena.”

“What arena?” Daniel made a show of looking around him, which made Oliver snort.

“Begin, and fight to the death!”

“We are not gladiators, Miss Blackheath,” Daniel said.

“Commence!” Clearly there was no reasoning with her.

“You will live through this, brother, long enough for the others to find a way in.”

“As will you, old man,” Daniel said through his teeth.

“I have not told you enough what you mean to me,” Oliver said, raising his fists.

“I know, and that is enough for now. Fight with everything you have now, brother.”

“And then I will hear about that scar and who gave it to you.” Oliver started moving forward. “And those battles you had to fight on my behalf.”

“He is dead, and yes, we will talk, but they are not important. What Copyright 2016 - 2024