The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,47

your blood.”

“There is that,” Gabe muttered.

“Please think about it, Gabe. I miss her terribly.”

“I don’t.”

“Only because she speaks her mind around you, and you are not used to that.”

“All right, I promise to think about it,” he conceded.

“Please, I really want this, Gabe.”

“Don’t push this, Abby. I’ve said I’ll think about it, and I will.”

“Very well, for now that is enough.” But she would have more to say on the matter if he didn’t reinstate Dimity soon.

“So will there once again be peace in the household?” Gabe held out his hand to her. “And will you once again be Abby and not that other person you became?”

“I’m not making any promises she will not return if you don’t start behaving. And now you can tell the driver we are stopping at Talbots first. You both need new jackets and waistcoats. I will order some more shirts also.” They looked horrified. Her brothers hated being fitted for clothes.

“Must we?” The breath hissed from Gabe’s throat.

“Yes, you must. I will not have my brothers walking about looking shabby. I will get the others here tomorrow.”

They were still muttering when the carriage stopped.

The tailor was ecstatic to see them, and soon had them draped in fabrics of different colors. She had to admit to enjoying the pained looks on her brothers’ faces.

“Now we deserve a large cream cake,” Gabe said, taking her arm as they left the store. “If I must drink tea from dainty cups and sit in small chairs, then at least I will have a cake.”

Her brothers rarely walked anywhere at a steady pace, so she had learned to walk fast to keep up with them, which was not always easy in a dress. They flanked her, Michael with a hand on her spine, and Gabe directing them around people.

Abby didn’t fight it; this was the life she’d always lived. Her small battles for independence she would continue to fight, but she would never stop them being honorable. They had faults, as did she, but she never doubted that inside, her brothers were good men, if a little misguided.

“Oh, Lady Abigail, how fortuitous to have encountered you today!”

They’d nearly reached the corner of the street that led to the one where her favorite tea shop was located when a voice stopped them.

“Keep walking,” Michael whispered as he pressed his palm into her back to propel her forward.

“Just raise a hand in acknowledgement,” Gabe said softly.

“Lady Carmichael, Miss Carmichael, and Miss Louisa, how wonderful to see you all.” Ignoring her brothers, she stopped and waited for the women to reach them.

“Damn you, Abby,” Gabe hissed.

“Of course, you know my brothers,” Abby said.

The Carmichael women were nice enough, if a little loud and overzealous in their attempts to attract men. The mother was perhaps the fiercest in pursuit of her daughters’ futures. All were dressed in the height of fashion. Bonnets, dresses, and accessories: perfect.

“How do you do.” Gabe and Michael bowed. The ladies twittered and curtseyed.

“Will you attend the celebrations at Vauxhall Gardens, Lord Raine?” Lady Carmichael asked.

“My sister and youngest brother are to accompany Lady Blake and her daughters on a boat trip to the venue, and we shall meet her there, my lady.”

“Oh, how wonderful.” Miss Carmichael clutched her hands to her chest. “We too are to attend the gardens tomorrow. We shall be sure to look out for you, Lord Raine.”

Abby had observed that often young women with no brothers had absolutely no idea how to behave in front of men. They thought the cooing, sighing, and eye batting would appeal, however, that was not the case with her brothers.

“Lord Raine.”

Suddenly, Gabe straightened at these words, which had been delivered by the Duchess of Render, who was trotting by on her horse. Her smile could only be termed as sultry and it was focused on Gabe. The woman exuded confidence and a nonchalance that suggested she didn’t care what anyone thought of her, she knew she was beautiful and worshipped by many.

“Duchess.” Gabe bowed deeply.

Abby slipped her hand through Gabe’s arm and pinched him, hard. He started but didn’t utter a noise.

“Wonderful though it is to speak with you, ladies, we must be away,” Michael said, bowing. “My hope is your day is as lovely as you all are, and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.”

“Of course, good day to you all,” Lady Carmichael said, her mouth in a firm line. Clearly she had noticed Gabe’s interest in the duchess and did not like it one Copyright 2016 - 2024