The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,39

you shared a small part of yourself with me. That night I spent with you was more than I could ever have hoped to experience with a man. I am governed by rules, Daniel. I cannot step a foot in any direction for fear I will be disgraced or hauled back into line by my brothers. You simply allowed me to be who I am that night.”

“Abby,” Daniel warned as she stepped closer still, and yet had he wanted to move, he could have. However, in that moment he did not seem to have command of his legs.

“Daniel.” She whispered his name. So close now, he could see the small scar at the corner of her eye. “I miss you.”

“How can that be so when we are strangers.” His eyes ran over her face, mapping the delicate curve of a cheek and line of her nose.

“I did not lie about many things. I do like music and listening to Eros, and my favorite color is rose pink. I love apple sponge, and my favorite time of day is sunrise.”

“And yet you did not tell me you were an earl’s daughter.”

“I wanted to.”

“You are so beautiful.” He cupped her cheek. Gloveless, he was able to feel the heat of her skin. “Abby.” Her name was a sigh. He gave up the fight then and kissed her, and he knew instantly that he’d just made a grave error in judgement.

The last time he’d kissed her had been special, but they had both not been gripped by the furious emotion they now felt. The hopelessness of their position had not been pulling at them.

Her hands clutched the lapels of his jacket as she held him close. He stroked a hand down her spine, pressing her into his body. Her scent intoxicated him, and he felt his willpower wane. He grasped that thought and held it close. Fought through the waves of heat to find reason.

This can never be.

“Forgive me.” He dropped his hands and stepped back. “I should not have done that.”

“I wanted you to.” Her eyes held a soft expression that he identified as yearning because he felt the same way.

“You shouldn’t want me to.”

“I can’t help what I want, Daniel.”

“This can never happen again. You’re an earl’s daughter, and I am a coal miner’s son.” He said the words to make her understand that there could be nothing between them.

“And therefore you are beneath me?”

“Don’t be a fool, Abby. Of course I am.”

“I have never been a fool.” The words had a snap to them now.

She was beguiling in so many ways, and wasn’t that the problem? He’d never met a woman before who’d intrigued him like she did.

“But you feel something for me, don’t you, Daniel?”

“I don’t know you.” He had to sever all ties with her. The thought made him feel ill, but it must be done. “We’ve talked a few times, but then I thought you someone else, someone I could spend time with should I choose it.”

“I’m still the same person.”

“No, you are not. You are the daughter of an earl who will marry someone with blood the same color as yours. You will live the way you were born to with the people who are of your kind.”

“Your brother is married to a duke’s daughter.”

Bloody Oliver again.

“Because there was no other option.” He knew she’d never repeat those words, but he had to make her understand there could be nothing between them. “Your brothers would never allow you to associate with a man such as myself, which I think was proven at the flower show.”

Her eyes never lowered, and she allowed him to see how much his words had hurt her.

“And I can do nothing to change your mind?”

“You are not actually serious? Your brothers would beat me senseless if I even attempted to come near you again. Think rationally, my lady. We can never be together, even if we wanted it.”

She studied him for long, drawn-out seconds, and Daniel withstood the look.

“Very well, but before I leave, may I ask you something, Mr. Dillinger?”

They were back to being formal again, which was exactly what he wanted. He nodded.

“Were it possible for us to see each other again, would you?”

“That is a moot point, as we never can.”

“Because I have a title—”

“It makes you unobtainable.” He cut her words off. “Go home, Lady Abigail. Live your life and find a man that walks in your sphere.”

She didn’t hide the tears that rolled down her cheeks; she Copyright 2016 - 2024