The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,3

didn’t release her, and Daniel’s anger turned to rage that the man was upsetting her.

“Unhand her now.”

“Get lost.”

He didn’t want to make a scene, because it was likely others would join in, and he had no wish for a brawl to erupt in here. People would get hurt and Gus’s interior damaged.

“We can do this here, or outside, but you will release her, either alone or by my hand.”

The man let her go and faced him, leaning in, trying to intimidate Daniel. If only this man knew who his brother was, he’d understand any form of intimidation was useless.

“Make me.”

“Outside then.” Daniel nodded toward the door.

The man jutted out his jaw, unwilling to leave yet happy to start something. Sighing, Daniel punched him hard in the jaw. The man swayed. Daniel caught his arm, lowering him to the floor where he could rest against the wall.

“Oh, dear.”

He looked up at Abby. She didn’t look hysterical, just mildly concerned. Clearly it took a great deal to fluster her, which Daniel found he liked.

“I’m sorry you had to see that, but I fear it was necessary, as he would have made a scene, and with so many people in here that could have been disastrous.”

“I understand. Will he be all right?” She was peering down at the still man.

He’d thought his memories of her inflated; he knew now they didn’t do her justice. She was beautiful with her dark hair and bluebell-colored eyes. At least he thought they were blue; it was hard to tell in here. She wore a cream dress that had small lavender knots all over it, and a cream ribbon secured the end of her braid.

Lush, he thought, running his eyes over the curves he could see. A bewitching angel with long lashes and an enticing upper lip that begged to be kissed.

“Are you all right, Abby?”

“I am, thank you. I was about to kick him when you arrived.”

“Were you? I’m sorry I missed that.”

She smiled, and it added so much more to an already sweet face. “My brothers have taught me to look after myself.”

“Excellent. He will wake soon and not be pleased, so I think it prudent you leave here at once.” Daniel held out a hand to help her off the chair.

“Oh, but there is still another set to go, and I so rarely get to see or hear Eros play.”

“I believe last time we ascertained you are one of his besotted admirers?”

“Indeed I am.” Her smile flashed white teeth. “He is an amazing talent, as you very well know because you said as much.”

“I was trying to impress you,” Daniel drawled.

“Surely not.” She was teasing him. “He is extremely talented.”

“And his handsome countenance has little to do with that, I suppose?” Daniel was enjoying the exchange.

“None at all.”

He laughed.

“I’m sorry to ruin your fun, Abby, but I really do think it would be for the best if you left.”

“I need to find Dimity.”

“I had hoped you wouldn’t be foolish enough to enter such a place alone again.”

“I beg your pardon, but I am rarely foolish.” She glared at him now.

“How incredibly controlled of you. My siblings are often foolish.”

“But not you?”

“No, not me.”

“How incredibly controlled you are, sir.” She repeated his words.

“Will you run away again without telling me, Abby?”

She looked away. “I had to go.”

She started to get off the chair; Daniel grabbed her waist and lifted her down. The top of her head reached his mouth, and he had the urge to lean in and kiss her forehead.

“I could have gotten down myself!”

“Undoubtedly, but this was easier.”

That lovely mouth formed a hard line.

“Where is the mouthy Dimity then? And why was she not looking after you?” He’d met Abby’s friend last time and liked her very much. She was loud and opinionated, and he was glad Abby had someone like that to watch over her.

“I can look after myself.”

“Yes, I can see that was working well for you.” Their eyes caught and held, and he felt it again, the connection between them. He wanted more, and this time the night would not end until he could ensure that would happen.

Chapter 2

“Here she comes.”

Daniel’s gaze followed the direction in which Abby was pointing.


Dimity arrived. She was taller than Abby, with dark hair and a harried expression on her face.

“Hello, Dimity,” Daniel said. “Abby was accosted by that man.” He pointed down at the still slumbering idiot. “I think she should leave before he wakes.”

“Oh, I can—”

“What did he do to you?” Dimity had Copyright 2016 - 2024