The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,19

wanted to kiss her again, needed to hold her.

“We are leaving,” the woman demanded.

“Do you often walk in the park, Abby?” He didn’t want her to leave.

“When my employer wishes it.”

“We must go!” The woman’s voice was getting louder, and Daniel had no wish for Abby to be censured, or worse, lose her position.

“Tuesday,” Daniel said, clenching his fingers to keep from reaching for her. “Save the space beside you for me.”

Her smile was blinding. “I will. Goodbye, Daniel.”

“Goodbye, Abby, and promise you will come.”

“I promise.”

She hurried to follow the woman, who was now walking away. He watched, and seconds later, a footman passed. Clearly he was there to protect the elderly woman. Daniel wondered who she was. Thea would likely have known.

Wandering back the way he’d come, he felt ridiculously pleased that he would see her again soon. He doubted Abby had much time off, especially by the look of her employer, but hoped she would make their next meeting.

She had to make it, and if not, he was hiring someone to find her. This was more than attraction, much more, and he was not letting her go this time.

“Oh, so you’ve returned!” Thea called when he reached her carriage. She was with three ladies he knew well. “And you look a great deal happier than when you left.”

“Ladies.” He bowed before them. “So much beauty all in one place; how can I not be happy?”

“Oh, pooh to that,” Lady Levermarch said. She was one of the most beautiful women Daniel had ever met. When most men encountered her, their jaws literally dropped at the sight of her golden-brown hair and curvaceous figure. Phoebe was married to the Marquess of Levermarch. With her were her sisters-in-law, both married to twins Benjamin and Alexander Heatherington, the brothers of Lord Levermarch.

Primrose was married to Ben, and Hannah to Alex. Both were beautiful in their own right, but when seated beside Phoebe, everyone paled into insignificance. Abby wouldn’t, Daniel thought. She’d pale to no one.

He was to see her again soon; the thought made him ridiculously happy.

“We think you should accompany us to the Withers’ picnic, Daniel.”

“And yet as I told Thea, Lady Levermarch, I have no wish to attend.” Daniel looked around him but saw no sign of Abby. Was she happy in her employment? That old woman had certainly looked a bit of a tartar. He didn’t like to think of anyone upsetting her, which was usually a reaction reserved for his family or close friends.

“I want to introduce you to someone… well, several someones, actually.” Phoebe ignored his words.

“I have no wish to marry a noblewoman, so stop meddling.”

“We don’t meddle,” Hannah said.

“Of course you do. Now, this discussion is over.”

They ignored him completely and continued to discuss any and all the young women they knew. Daniel sighed and thought of Abby.

The woman intrigued him, there was no getting around the fact, and he hadn’t been intrigued by a woman for some time.

Chapter 7

The annual Smitherton floral display was an event that most Londoners, no matter what their station in life, turned out for. It was held in a small park not far from where the Dillinger family lived; therefore, they always walked there.

The day was clear, the sky cloudless, and Daniel was feeling a sense of well-being as he strolled beside a sister. He even found himself humming softly.

“Why are you looking smug?” Kate asked. “And why are you humming off-key?”

“I am not looking smug; I am looking content. Please note the difference. And I hum in perfect tune, I’ll have you know. You’re confusing me with your other brothers. Now, tell me, why are you walking with me and not beneficent Bernard?”

“He is generous.” Kate sighed in that way people in love often did when speaking of their beloved. “And kind, and I can’t believe I found him, Daniel.” Her straw bonnet framed her pretty face, and the smile she gave him only enhanced that.

He bumped her shoulder gently.

“You found him because you are kind and generous, sister.” All he’d ever wanted was for his siblings to find happiness, and that this one had pleased him greatly. “Those things, plus you have a wonderful brother.”

Kate took his hand and swung it as they walked along, just enjoying being there and part of their family. Around him, the others chatted, nieces and nephews dashed between his legs, and parents attempted to control them.

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