The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,11

words to build up your ego, Mr. Dillinger. It is simply that you have that ability many seek. You can coax music from the flute as if you were born playing it.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you, yes?”

“I shall think about it.” And the answer will be the same.

“What do you fear?”

He was aware that Abby had risen and stood close enough to hear the conversation.

“I fear nothing.”

“If that was the case, you would have agreed,” Mr. Kiltcher said patiently.

“I have said I will consider the matter, sir.” Daniel gave his teacher a bow, then motioned for Abby to precede him out the door. “Good evening to you all.”

They walked in silence down the stairs and out onto the street. She moved to his side, their arms touching.

“You are talented, Daniel, as your teacher said. I enjoyed listening to you very much.”

“Thank you.” Daniel dug his hands into his pockets to stop from touching her.

“It is not an easy instrument to master.”

“Do you play, Abby?”

“Badly. I prefer the piano.”

“I thought about that, but the flute suited me, as it is smaller and easier to carry about the place.”

“Why do you not wish to perform, Daniel?”

It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, but soon he could see the expression on her face clearly once more.

“I enjoy learning and playing in my rooms, but I have no wish for more.”

“So only those people in that room have ever heard you play?”


“Why are you ashamed of playing the flute, Daniel, when clearly you excel at it? Surely your family would love to hear you.”

“I’m not ashamed.”

She didn’t speak, just walked at his side for a few feet.

“I’m not,” he found himself saying. “It’s just something I do for myself. I have no wish to share it.”

“Then I am indeed grateful that you did so with me.”

Like most men, he was not comfortable with emotion… and perhaps more so given his upbringing.

“I don’t have to explain my reasons, Abby.”

“No, you don’t, and forgive me for asking you. I have always been a curious person.”

“Are you? I have a sister called Kate who is like that. She must know everything that is going on within the family. Of course we, her siblings, try especially hard to ensure she doesn’t just to annoy her.”

Abby sighed. “So it really is the same in other families as it is in mine.”

“I should imagine even nobility carry on as we do.”

Beside him, Abby stopped.


“I am to go that way, Daniel. I shall leave you here.” Her words came out one on top of the other, as if they needed to be said with haste or choke her.

“No, you won’t.” Daniel took her arm as she attempted to walk away from him. “I will see you home.”

“There is no need.” She tried to get away from him, but he simply tightened his grip.

“We’ve discussed this, I’m not doing so again. Now what has you suddenly upset?”

“Do you always get your own way?” She ignored his question.

“I have seven siblings; I’m not sure how you think I would.”

“Are you the eldest then?”

“No. I sit at the top end, however.”


“Why is that interesting?” Daniel maneuvered her around something that smelled foul.

“You remind me of my eldest brother, Gabe.”

“Strong and silent?”

“Determined and unrelenting in the pursuit of what he wants. Gabe believes he also knows best what his siblings need or want, even if they don’t agree.”

He laughed. “I am the first, but the second describes my brother. He is the eldest.”

“And you respect him very much, I can tell by the way you speak of him.”

He did respect Oliver, but that was only part of what he felt for his brother. His emotions had changed over the last few years and were complex. He just wasn’t sure why they had undergone that change as yet.

“He is a good man.”


“Must there be a but?” He watched something move in the shadows up ahead. He tugged Abby closer.

“What is wrong?”

“Nothing. Now tell me why you think there is a but.” A man and a woman walked out of the shadows, and he relaxed his shoulders.

“Well, there is just something reserved about the way you mention your brother’s name. Of course, I do not know you very well, but I still sensed something.”

Daniel did not share what was inside him, especially the dark thoughts, as they were foolish, and he should be able to dismiss them. Strangely, he couldn’t.

“My brother left when I was young and did not reappear for many years.”

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