Lady Wallflower - Scarlett Scott Page 0,108

moving in a frantic rush, seeking relief. He kissed her throat, losing control. Faster and faster he went, thrusting deep and then withdrawing, his strokes harder. He fucked her all the way up the bed until her head was smacking into the ornately carved headboard. And then he cradled her in his hands to blunt the thumps and fucked her some more, until she tightened on him like a vise, bathing his cock in another torrent of sweet release.

He came too, so hard little black stars appeared before him. And he emptied himself inside her, filling his wife with his seed. He felt as if he came more than he ever had. She milked him, draining his ballocks, caressing his back, his shoulders, kissing his collarbone, his neck.

When it was over, he collapsed against her, breathing heavy, inhaling the scent of her unbound hair, savoring the softness of her beneath him, the pulsing heat of her cunny stretched around him.

“I love you,” he whispered again.

And he knew then that the bonds of the past had finally been severed.

He was whole again.

Chapter Twenty

Jo and Lila had just returned from a visit to the orphanage, during which Lila played piano and sang for the children and Jo read them stories, when Rhees announced Jo had a caller.

Or to be more precise, three callers.

The sight of her brother, sister-in-law, and nephew in the salon surprised a happy squeal out of Jo.

“Julian, Clara, and little Arthur!” She could not contain her excitement as she rushed forward.

Julian caught her in a brotherly embrace, whilst Clara gave her a half embrace as she cradled little Arthur in her arms. Jo’s heart surged as she gazed down at her nephew’s sweet, cherubic face, dropping a kiss upon his smooth, velvet-soft forehead.

“Oh, my sweet baby nephew,” she crooned to him, before glancing up at Clara. “May I hold him?”

“I was hoping you would,” Clara drawled in her thick American accent, smiling warmly. “The little darling was putting my arm to sleep. He is such a large baby already. I can scarcely countenance how much he has grown.”

“Nor can I.” Jo took her nephew in her arms and gazed down at his adorable, round face. “He is lovely, Clara. I do believe he has your nose now. At first, I thought he had Julian’s, but yours is ever so much better.”

She slanted a glance in her brother’s direction. He was watching her with a bemused expression. She had missed him, she realized. He was a good brother, one who was protective and caring and all the things a brother ought to be. Even if he had been an utter bear over her being ruined by Decker.

Jo could see now that it had been because he loved her and because he wore the heavy weight of responsibility upon his shoulders.

“I thought I had failed you,” Julian told her, as if reading her thoughts. “But you look happy, Jo. I do not think I have ever seen you so pleased. Your husband is behaving himself, I trust?”

Jo tempered her smile at her brother’s protective question. “He is behaving admirably. And I could not be happier.”

In the fortnight since their return to London, she, Decker, and Lila had settled into a comfortable routine. Lila’s nightmares were growing more infrequent. Decker had moved all his erotic art to his club, where Lila would never see it. And Jo? She had found her place as Decker’s wife, the keeper of his heart, and the wicked wife in his bed. Or study. Or music room. Or carriage. Office. Library…

She forced her mind to more prudent thoughts as her cheeks flared with heat. She was hopelessly in love with her husband and more content than she had ever imagined possible. That was all.

Actually, that was everything.

Lila appeared in the salon then, offering a shy curtsy for Julian and Clara. She had gone off for a snack upon their return—cream ice was a favorite of hers, and Chef always kept some on hand for her.

“May I hold the babe?” she asked tentatively.

“Of course you may,” Jo said. “Have you ever held a baby before, my dear?”

Lila shook her head, eyes wide with wonder as she gazed down at the little lord in Jo’s arms.

“Come and have a seat in this chair and then hold out your arms,” Jo instructed. “You must take care with his head and neck. Be very gentle. I will place him in your lap.”

Her nephew gurgled happily as he was settled in Lila’s Copyright 2016 - 2024