Lady Wallflower - Scarlett Scott Page 0,104

to make you mine and fearful your brother would disapprove of the match. I could not bear the notion of you marrying another, and so I set out to make certain he would have no choice but to accept my suit. I would apologize for my actions, but in truth, I am not sorry, Josie. I wanted you—needed you—and now you are mine.”

She could hardly argue with that logic. But there was another part of that question she had yet to ask. Her cheeks went hot as she searched for the words. “That does not explain…do you not want children, Decker? You said you had no need of heirs, but…”

He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. She could not help but to notice that even his throat was handsome—every part of him attracted her notice. She wanted to press her lips there, to inhale his scent, to kiss and lick and nip him.

But answers first.

“Ah, Josie.” He exhaled, his warm breath fanning over her lips as he pressed his forehead to hers for a moment before straightening again. “That is another realization my mother’s death has left me with: I do want children. Your children. I was so caught up in my hatred and anger toward Graham that I vowed never to carry on his legacy. Instead, I was determined to give it to everyone else—to spend it wisely, yes, for not even I could bring myself to profligacy just to spite him. However, everything I did—every penny I spent—was to defy him in some way. I gave to orphans and hospitals, I used it to buy erotic art and fund erotic literature. And I will be honest with you. I have yet to find a compromise for myself. But neither will I deny us the chance to have a family because of the bitterness I carry toward the man who sired me. It is time to cut free the shackles of the past in every way.”

Her heart hurt for him by the time he finished his earnest explanation. He was such a strong, intelligent, good man. And so much of his life had been defined by his inability to be accepted for who he was. No longer, she vowed.

“Oh, Decker, my love,” she said, caressing his jaw. He was so beloved to her, so vital. She wanted to wrap herself around him and never let him go. “We will find a way, together.”

“Love is more important than hatred.” He kissed her cheek, her nose. “I understand that now. You make me whole. You make me want to be a better man for you. A man who deserves you.”

“My darling man, you have always deserved me.” She caught his face in her hands and dragged his lips back to hers for another lengthy kiss before tearing her mouth away. “My heart has always known yours. I feel it. Here.”

Jo took his hand and pressed it over that madly thumping organ.

“I feel the same way,” he breathed, his gaze so profound, tears unexpectedly stung her eyes.

“Good,” she said, needing to break the heaviness of the moment. “Now help me to disrobe before I die of longing.”

He laughed into their kiss, and she had never heard a better sound. She laughed with him, their smiling mouths melding together in sinuous unison. They kissed and kissed until the laughter was gone, and in its place was only a deep, burning hunger.

Longing skittered through her as he kissed to her throat. Open-mouthed kisses made her shiver as his fingers made short work of the buttons bisecting her polonaise bodice. The smooth black cotton slid from her shoulders and arms in a decadent whisper over her flesh. He rubbed the dark shadow of his whiskers on her throat. Her knees felt as if they may give out.

He filled her senses—his scent, his touch, his breaths.

“Let me be your servant,” he whispered in her ear, before taking the fleshy lobe in his teeth and tugging.

“Yes,” was all she could manage, her nipples throbbing behind her corset, her sex pulsing between her thighs.

She was wet for him already, and he had scarcely touched her.

He seemed to know how desperate she was. Or mayhap he felt the same way. His fingers moved faster, his mouth playing over her skin with greater intensity. Her layers were falling away, slipping to the floor with all her inhibitions. Silk and satin pooled in a heap around her. Laces were loosened. Her corset hit the Axminster as his mouth found her nape.

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