Lady Thief - By Rizzo Rosko Page 0,100

head to find the giant lump. Blaise hissed when his father’s fingers touched it.

"It appears we owe you quite a bit of thanks, Elizabeth." Lord Gray said. "I am not one to let a deed like this go without its reward. Name whatever you wish, and I shall give it to you."

Blaise smiled playfully at her. "She has expressed an interest in working in our kitchens."

"Nay! No! I—" Elizabeth stopped herself, humiliated by her outburst. She cleared her throat and softened her voice. "Please, milord, my father was a wealthy, noble man, but unfortunate Fate had me taken from him before the time I was born and raised in poverty. If ye believe ye owe me anything, I would like to have that rectified."

William shook his head. "I cannot give you a title, but if money is what ye seek, I can arrange for something."


Blaise awaited her reply, waited for Elizabeth to prove that she was just another greedy harlot out to make a profit off of him. Admittedly, ‘twas difficult seeing her as anything but innocent with the beauty that seemed to encase itself in her very being. She practically glowed with it as her wide eyes blinked a few times while she thought of what answer she would give.

Her dark eyes turned and met his. Blaise’s breath stilled. How did she have the power to do this to him! She gazed inside of him as though attempting to see what was in his head.

Blaise did not like it. He scowled and turned away.

Elizabeth returned her attention to his father and hesitated, as though unsure of herself.

After a moment she shook her head. "Nay, milord, for payment in saving the life of your son, I humbly ask to be able to live in this castle with you and your family."

Blaise rocked back on the soles of his booted feet. Surely she jested! He looked to his father. The man scratched his chin as though contemplating an answer.

Finally, William looked at him. "'Tis your life she spared, what say you?"

Blaise wanted to deny her the right to live in the castle as an equal instead of a servant since that was the wench's goal the whole time. He stared into her eyes, the same color as the mud which had been caked on her during their walk back to the castle. He'd nearly been thrown off his guard when she presented herself, washed and dressed like a true lady, but he knew the truth.

Or at least, he thought he did. The pleading look she sent him now was nothing like the manipulative stares he used to receive from Robert whenever the man wanted something.

He knew better now. He would never allow himself to be so small that he could be manipulated again.

Still, Elizabeth was...different. He sensed something beneath her, hiding, and he did not like it. But if he was wrong about her, would he be tossing a woman who had saved his life, with nothing but the best intentions in mind, out into the cold?

He needed to know for certain before he made that decision. He needed to prove to himself whether she was innocent or guilty of using him for her own benefit.

Whether she be a greedy social climbing wench or not, she still saved his life. The least he could do was allow her to stay while he made up his mind. "She stays, for now."

Eliza's chest deflated as though she’d been holding her breath. "Thank you, milord."

His smile was the only response he would give to her. He would not forewarn her about his intent to watch her, that any misstep she made, any hint he received that she planned for this, would be her undoing. He would send her out himself.

He refused to be used by anyone else.

His step-mother, Marianne, went to Eliza and put her arms about her shoulders, welcoming the other woman whole heartedly. "I am sorry to hear of your situation, Elizabeth. Perhaps we can send a messenger to your father and let him know that you are here."

Eliza shook her head. "'Tis very generous of you, but my father died six years ago. I don't believe he even knew I existed. I am a bastard."

Sympathy swelled inside Blaise when she uttered that profanity. "Do not call yourself that vile word."

Elizabeth’s eyes went to him, their shock that he should defend her from herself plain even to him. Then she smiled, and Blaise felt the anger melt away. He felt light and Copyright 2016 - 2024