Lady Rosabella's Ruse - By Ann Lethbridge Page 0,81

game before. It was rather sweet that he would consider her feelings in such a way. It made her feel special.

He lay down beside her, placing the bowls on her side of the bed. Leaning over her, he picked up a strawberry and dipped it in the cream. ‘Let me see,’ he said, running his gaze down her body. ‘Which part of you do I most want to eat?’

Her inner muscles clenched. She gasped at the wickedly pleasurable pulse. Her breathing quickened. Her heartbeat went wild.

‘Here, I think.’ He dabbed the cream on her breasts, right on the peaks, and in her navel. He bit into the strawberry, taking half of it into his mouth, then leaned over to kiss her.

Along with the kiss, she received the ripe fruit in her mouth. ‘Don’t swallow it yet,’ he said.

He swiftly dipped his head and licked her breast, returning with cream on his tongue, which he added to the strawberry already in her mouth.

Wicked. Ridiculous. But very, very sensual. He encouraged her with a nod and she chewed and swallowed as he watched with his devilish smile. He winked. ‘What is left is mine.’

He swooped down and suckled her other breast, sending sweet aches all the way to her core. ‘Delicious,’ he mumbled against her skin as he trailed kisses all the way to her navel, where he swirled his tongue. She sighed with pleasure.

He laughed. Not mocking. Just pure enjoyment.

She loved this side of him. This delightfully boyish, playful rogue. She smiled at him with tenderness, hope blossoming in her heart. Perhaps, in time, there would be more than convenience in their marriage.

She sat up and pushed at his shoulder until he rolled spread-eagled on his back, then she knelt beside him and selected a strawberry, loading it with cream. ‘Now what shall I do with this?’

He opened his mouth, his eyes full of laughter.

‘Too easy, sirrah.’

There really only was one new place to put the cream. Excitement mixed with trepidation sent trembles running through her body. A drop of cream rolled off the strawberry on to the flat plane of his stomach. It would all run off if she didn’t act soon. Taking a swift breath, she dabbed carefully at the head of his shaft.

A groan and his hips came up off the bed, making her recoil. Strawberries scattered across the bed. Somehow the cream didn’t spill. He started laughing. Making the bed shake. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘You caught me unawares. I really didn’t expect you to be so bold.’

She frowned. ‘Is it wrong?’ she asked, looking at her handiwork. If anything his thing, his rod, looked stiffer than ever, where it emerged from the dark nest of hair.

‘No. Nothing between a man and a woman is wrong, if both enjoy it. Don’t for pity’s sake stop now.’

‘You must be patient,’ she said, seeing his hands grip the sheets, anticipating… Oh, he really liked this idea. She dipped the strawberry again and smeared cream down his rigid shaft, smiling at the hiss of his breath, which set an answering tightness inside her that was altogether too delicious for words. She swirled the berry on the sacs at the base of his shaft, eyeing them with interest, wondering at their soft texture compared to his erection.

A glance at his face showed his eyes closed, his face a mask of calmness, but the tic in his jaw told the truth. She popped the strawberry in her mouth.

He opened one eye. ‘Are you done?’

She gave him a saucy smile. ‘Not quite. I just want to see how it tastes.’ She leaned over him and, after a moment’s hesitation, licked at the cream. ‘Delicious.’

He muttered something under his breath. The hands flexed into fists and relaxed.

Hmm. She trailed her tongue up his shaft and swirled it around the head, finding the varying textures fascinating. She took the head in her mouth and heard him groan.

Those large hands came down and caught her beneath the shoulders, pulling her upwards. His dark gaze clashed with hers. ‘Little nun, we will play this game another time. I find I do not have the patience tonight.’

He tossed her on her back on the bed, roughly moved the bowls to the table, then settled between her thighs. Desperation filled his gaze. He looked stunned. ‘I’m sorry, but right now, I want to be inside you.’

Raw power hung over her. The strength to take what he wanted and yet he waited for her assent.

Her limbs melted beneath the heat Copyright 2016 - 2024