Lady Rosabella's Ruse - By Ann Lethbridge Page 0,72

want old furniture? Mementos of parents who had abandoned her? He shrugged. ‘I’ll ask.’

She glanced around his room. ‘Am I to stay at your house until we are married? It would probably be better if no one knows I am here. Unless you think it won’t matter?’

He hadn’t thought. And it did matter. She would have enough trouble with the high sticklers, without throwing their odd arrangement in their faces. ‘You are right. We will have to keep your presence here a secret. You won’t be able to be seen in public until we are wed, I’m afraid.’

‘Won’t your servants gossip?’

‘You will find them very discreet.’

‘I suppose they have to be.’

A niftily placed barb. He gritted his teeth. ‘Indeed.’ He glanced down at the pile of rags on the floor. The breeches and shirt she’d worn from the theatre. ‘Where are the rest of your clothes?’

‘I only brought one gown with me from Lady Keswick’s house. It is at my lodgings in St Giles, with my valise.’

‘I’ll collect it in the morning.’

She nodded. ‘Thank you.’

He put an arm around her shoulders. ‘Now, sweet betrothed of mine, let us go back to bed.’

She shook her head. ‘Not until after our contract is signed.’

The hackles on the nape of his neck rose. ‘Are you afraid I won’t keep my part of the bargain?’

‘Is it likely?’

She didn’t trust him and he didn’t blame her one bit. ‘No. Not likely, until I am tired of teaching you the art of lovemaking. That isn’t going to happen for a very long time.’ He brushed her mouth with his, then nipped her lip.

For all that she was trying to hide her desire, her eyes grew slumberous.

His body sprang to life. Impossible as it seemed, he was more than glad he was marrying this woman, even if it did ruin his plans.

All he had to do was make sure he didn’t take any chances. Keep firm control and spend outside of her body so if it turned out she wasn’t with child, everything would be perfect. He could have what he wanted and still keep to the promise he’d made to himself the night Christopher left England.

He gazed at her lovely face. She looked weary, as if she hadn’t slept well for many nights.

He reached out and took her hand and led her to the bed. ‘Lie in my arms and sleep. Tomorrow we will begin our explorations anew.’

He felt exceedingly pleased when she smiled and let him help her on to the bed. He wasn’t a boy without control; he could lay with her, enjoy the feel of her, without touching.

In time, she would come to trust him.

Garth awoke with a start to the sound of a clock chiming six somewhere below. His usual time to awake no matter what his activities the night before. He generally went riding in Hyde Park before it became crowded with people wanting to talk.

He rolled on his side to watch Rosabella curled up facing him, her cheek pillowed on her hand, breathing deep and untroubled. She looked like a child. Twenty-three. Viewed from his years of profligacy, she was terribly innocent, yet seemed much older, more self-assured than most of the débutantes he’d carefully avoided all these years.

A smile tugged at his lips. Clever enough to catch him in her web of lies and deceit. Why didn’t he care? Not that he’d let her deceive him again.

In winning her over, he’d made some promises that would not be easy to keep. No riding today. First he’d visit Mark and, depending on the outcome, would move on from there.

He hopped out of bed and went to his dressing room, where his valet was already waiting.

‘Good morning, my lord,’ Callen said.

‘Good morning, Callen. The lady in my bed is to be treated with the utmost respect since she will soon be your mistress and my wife.’

Callen’s jaw dropped. ‘Y-yes, my lord.’

‘I will inform the other servants on my way out.’

Callen bowed and began stropping the razor. ‘May I offer my congratulations, my lord?’

Garth looked at him for a minute. Tested whatever it was unfurling in his chest. The pleasant knowledge of sharing his life, his hopes and ambitions, as well as his bed. Waking up beside Rosabella had apparently filled a void he hadn’t known existed.

Surprised, he sat down in the chair in front of the mirror. ‘Yes, Callen. I believe congratulations are indeed in order.’

After a visit with his man of business to ensure he had enough ready funds on Copyright 2016 - 2024