Lady Lilias and the Devil in Plaid - Julie Johnstone Page 0,77

you going? Why—” Guinevere’s mouth slipped open, and she scrambled down from the gig, grabbing Lilias by the arms. “Why are you crying? What did that man say to you?”

Despite the sorrow drowning her, Lilias smiled at her sweet friend and how incensed she sounded on Lilias’s behalf. “That man,” she said, swiping at the tears that would not stop, “was not even home. His mother told me he was having supper at his betrothed’s home.”

“What?” Guinevere gasped. “No! No, that cannot be. I don’t believe it.”

Lilias frowned. There was that bit of oddness from earlier in her friend’s voice again. “Why do you not believe it? I told you of the guilt I believe he lives with, and he told me he wanted to let me go. I suppose this is his way of doing it,” she said, sobbing again.

“How would he even have time to become betrothed?” Guinevere muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Asher would have said something, I’m certain of it. Though, I suppose there is the slightest chance he might not have. He’s been very mum about what they discuss because he owes Greybourne some sort of life debt, and apparently the man demanded payment in the form of Asher not speaking to me about the duke. It’s all been so tedious. I’ve had to work very hard to learn anything about Greybourne, and—”

“Guinevere!” Lilias interrupted. “What are you talking about? What have you learned?”

“Well, for starters, your uncle did not give your mother the Cotswold home. Greybourne purchased it from him for an exorbitant sum so you and your family would not have to leave!”

She stared at Guinevere for a moment, speechless, and her heart exploded. “Nash purchased the home?”

Guinevere nodded, grinning. “And he paid all your father’s debts. I heard Asher and Nash discussing the particulars of how Nash could do it and ensure he remained anonymous. I vow I think my husband wanted me to hear. He knows my habit of eavesdropping at doors, and he took no obvious precautions such as having the conversation outside or when I was not at home. Greybourne loves you. He must if he’s done these things for you.”

Lilias could hardly believe it. She was alternately joyous and terrified. She believed he loved her, though he’d never said those three words. Yet, what he’d told her outside the club that night seemed to indicate it. His actions then, and his actions in regard to her uncle, her home, and her father’s debt, certainly indicated love, so how could he get betrothed?

You did.

She groaned, her jaw clenching, and her hands curling into fists.

“Let’s go to my home and talk to Asher,” Guinevere said. “He will know if Greybourne is betrothed, and perhaps he can help you get through to the man.”

Lilias shook her head. “I don’t want you to put Carrington in that position. If he promised Nash he’d not talk to you about this matter, then he should keep his promise. I don’t want to be the cause of Nash losing another friend.” She had already cost Nash his friendship with Owen.

“Then what are you going to do?” Guinevere demanded.

“I don’t know,” Lilias said helplessly. “I need time to contemplate it all.” Her head pounded, and her heart ached. “I think I’ll walk home.”

“Lilias, no. Let me drive you.”

Lilias shook her head. “It’s not far. I’ve done it before.” Of course, Nash had been following her then. He’d followed her to ensure she was safe, supposedly for Owen’s sake, but she knew now it had been because he’d wanted to ensure she was safe for her own sake. Tears threatened, but she blinked them away, seeing another gig headed down the lane toward them.

“Lilias Honeyfield, I refuse to allow you to walk home alone. I—”

“On second thought,” Lilias said as the driver of the oncoming gig came into perfect view and she realized it was the Marquess of Kilgore, “I don’t think I’ll be going home just yet.”

With that, she held up her hand to wave Kilgore to a stop. As the rogue slowed his gig to a halt in front of her and Guinevere, Guinevere’s eyes narrowed upon Lilias. “What is this about? Are you going to try to make Greybourne come to his senses by using Kilgore?”

“That’s quite the intriguing proposition without even a hello,” Kilgore said, a suggestive grin coming to his handsome face.

“I have no intention of using you to make Greybourne jealous,” she said, her mind turning. She didn’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024