Lady Guinevere and the Rogue with a Brogue - Julie Johnstone Page 0,86

Asher. Maybe now they could grow closer. She wished that for Asher and Talbot.

She gently tugged her hand away and glanced at Asher. A shadow of annoyance was on his face as he stared at his brother.

“I assumed ye’d taken up residence at Mayfair since it’s the townhome Father left to ye and ye were nowhere to be found before I departed for Scotland. I sent word there of the wedding today. I assume ye received it?”

Guinevere’s breath caught. She prayed Talbot did not mention that he’d seen Ballenger at Kilgore’s townhome.

To Guinevere’s utter relief, Talbot seemed more concerned about releasing his knotted cravat than anything. “I have not taken up permanent residence yet,” he said. “I’m having the place redecorated. My taste never did match our father’s. And I did receive word of the wedding, but I had business that kept me away. I do apologize, but as Lady Guinevere will be your wife for your lifetime, I feel certain I can find a way to make amends to the lady, and to you, for missing today?”

Talbot looked to her, and she nodded. He sounded sincere enough.

Asher, however, did not look convinced. Or pleased. He wore a dark scowl. “How long will this redecoration take?”

Talbot’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Eager to be rid of me now that you have everything, Brother?”

She blinked with bafflement. What did he mean now that Asher had everything?

“Guin,” Asher said, using the pet name she quite loved, though she had always protested about him using it before. “Why don’t ye let Thornhill show ye to our bedchamber, so ye can refresh?”

She nodded eagerly. She didn’t need to refresh, but she could also use a moment to compose herself, to think about how and when to reveal how she felt to Asher. Besides, if she was out of Talbot’s sight, maybe he’d forget the fact that he’d seen her lady’s maid in Mayfair.

She offered a quick curtsy to Talbot. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“If I must,” Talbot said, which seemed odd. It had to be the drink.

“Ye must,” Asher replied and then to her said, “I’ll be up shortly.”

She nodded and was about to ask where to find the butler when he appeared from a side hall, as if he had been waiting. “Your Grace,” he said.

She startled but then grinned. It was the first time someone had addressed her by her new title, other than the priest who had announced it formally. She didn’t give a fig for the title, but she cared very much that it meant she was wed to the man she loved.

“If you’ll follow me,” the kindly butler said.

“Of course,” she replied, falling into step behind him.

They got two steps up the stairs when he paused and turned toward her. “Might I inquire if your lady’s maid will be coming, or shall we hire you a new one?”

She bit her lip, casting her gaze toward Asher and his brother. Talbot had his back turned and was looking toward the front window, but Asher’s gaze was on her.

“Her lady’s maid will be coming,” Asher answered for her, likely thinking that because she was staring at him, she wanted him to reply.

“I’ll give you the details,” she hurriedly added, barely resisting the urge to tug on the man’s arm to get him to move. Her heart pounded as she climbed the stairs once more, thanking God above that Talbot had been preoccupied.

Chapter Seventeen

Asher found it impossible to tear his attention away from his wife’s lovely form as she ascended the stairs behind Thornhill, but when she disappeared from his sight, he refocused on Pierce. He felt sorry for him, but he wanted Guinevere to himself for a while. He’d waited five years for this.

Asher considered what to say without causing unnecessary strife between himself and Pierce. I want you out as soon as possible wasn’t exactly an olive branch.

“It’s funny your wife’s lady’s maid should be mentioned,” Pierce said.

Pierce’s long pause suggested he wanted Asher to speak. “Why is that?”

“Well,” Pierce started, motioning for Asher to follow him.

Asher sighed, wanting to go to Guinevere, but he also did not want to make his relationship with Pierce any more strained than it was, so he relented.

As they moved through the corridors, Pierce said, “Because I was going to tell her that I saw her lady’s maid, Miss Ballenger, on her errand to Kilgore’s home last week.”

Every fiber of Asher’s body warned him against going down this path, but he damn well could Copyright 2016 - 2024