Lady Guinevere and the Rogue with a Brogue - Julie Johnstone Page 0,52

he has yers, why is it, would ye guess, that he has not offered for ye?”

“I do not know.” She sounded and looked pained. “The year I made my debut, he all but told me he was going to call on my father and ask for my hand.”

“How long ago was that?”

She bit her lip. “Five years ago.”

Fury rose in him. That was the same year Kilgore had kissed Guinevere. He had to warn Lady Constantine that Kilgore was a blackguard, that the man must enjoy toying with women. Had Kilgore failed to conquer Guinevere and that was why he was pursuing her still?

“Lady Constantine, I think it best that ye forget—”

“My, Lord Pierce!” Lady Constantine burst out, looking past Asher at the same moment he felt a presence behind him.

He turned sharply to find his brother a hairsbreadth from him. “I believe we are to be paired for tomorrow’s skits,” Pierce said, looking at Lady Constantine.

“Oh,” she said, “I did not realize the pairings had been announced other than Kilgore’s choosing Lady Guinevere as his partner.”

Asher did not miss the hurt in Lady Constantine’s tone, and by Pierce’s knowing look, his brother had not missed it, either. He also did not seem altogether surprised by it, which indicated Pierce may have known something about Kilgore and Lady Constantine, or possibly just Kilgore.

“They have not been announced,” Pierce said, “but our esteemed hostess just told me.”

“I will look forward to tomorrow, my lord,” Lady Constantine said. “If you will both excuse me…” She did not look at either of them.

Asher frowned as her face went pale, and he followed her gaze to the parlor door. Kilgore was in the entranceway with a lady Asher did not know, but they both looked as if they had just been well satisfied.

“I’ve a horrid megrim suddenly,” Lady Constantine blurted and rushed away before Asher or Pierce could reply.

Asher followed her progress through the crowd and to the door, where she nearly plowed Kilgore over to get by the man. He did not so much as spare her a glance, but when she passed by him, his face did seem to tighten.

“So, Brother,” Pierce said, “shall we be expecting a betrothal announcement between you and Lady Constantine?”

“Nay.” Asher turned his attention to Pierce, who looked surprisingly sober for once. “Her affections are engaged elsewhere.”

“I had heard gossip of that nature, but I’m not one to spread tales.”

Asher frowned. “Ye said she was a cold sort. ‘Ice where her heart should be,’ I think were yer words.”

Pierce grimaced. “I… Well, she was always cold to me.”

Ah, the lady had rebuffed his brother and injured his pride. Asher decided not to pursue that particular subject. “What is the gossip ye heard regarding the lady?”

“Well, it concerns White’s, which is a gentlemen’s club where—”

“I know what White’s is,” Asher said. It was a boring club where a bunch of toffs drank and squandered their money on wagers. He had no interest in such things. If he was going to go to any club, it would be the one he owned, which was one in which he only had partial ownership, and he would not be spending coin but earning it off the stupidity of the toffs.

“And you know of the wager book?” Pierce asked.

“I’ve heard of it.”

“Well, five years ago, a wager was made between Kilgore and an anonymous Lord X after the Season had started. Lord X wagered Kilgore an astonishing amount of money that he could not seduce four specific ladies. If Kilgore failed, he was to pay Lord X; if he succeeded—”

“I know how wagers work,” Asher said, impatient.

Pierce shrugged. “Only trying to be helpful… There were four women on the list—two wed and two young, unmarried ladies. Lady Guinevere and Lady Constantine were both on that list, and to date, Kilgore has seduced all but one of the ladies, if rumor is to be believed. You can check the books yourself.”

Rage filled Asher. “Rumors are not facts.”

“No, they are not, but Lady Constantine has yet to wed, the two married women are often seen in Kilgore’s company, and Lady Guinevere… Well, it seems the lady is in his sights now, and the end date on the wager is one month away. I imagine if you stay, you can watch her succumb.”

Damn Kilgore. The man had seduced Lady Constantine, and he must have tried to seduce Guinevere before and failed so he was trying again. But why wait five years to try to complete Copyright 2016 - 2024