Lady Guinevere and the Rogue with a Brogue - Julie Johnstone Page 0,116

what I mean to do. Several times.”

“But Digby—”

“Knows opening this carriage door could mean his death,” Asher said with a chuckle, even as he divested her of her clothing, which took some work. After a few grunts from him, and a few curses, his hands slid under her. He lifted her and set her straddling his thighs as he described to her the wicked things he wished to do and then did them.

They were magnificent, and by time he was finished sweetly torturing her, she was sweaty and utterly exhausted, so when he suggested she sleep after he had helped her dress, she gladly obliged.

Later, he nudged her awake, and she blinked her eyes to find him staring lovingly at her. She did not think she could ever feel happier. But then the carriage door opened, and Digby was there to help her down.

She gasped at the full rolling field of purple lilies. “Westhaven Manor,” she murmured, turning to glance up at her husband as he came to stand beside her for a beat, then took her hand in his and led her away from the carriage.

“Aye. Our home.”

He’d told her about the country house, though it had seemed that every time they tried to get away in the last month something had come up. He had even told her about the lilies, but seeing it made tears of joy fill her eyes.

When they were out of sight of the carriage, Asher turned her toward him and held up the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen. But not because of the sparkle, though it did shimmer. Nor the size, which was enormous. It was the stones, which formed the shape of a heart.

She threw her arms around him and said, “I love you.”

He drew back and slipped the ring on her finger. “Ye always had my heart, lass. I want to give ye the world.”

She pressed her lips to her husband’s, then looked into his eyes. “You did that when you gave me your love, mo chridhe,” she said with a wink.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed meeting Asher and Guinevere. If you did, you’ll love the emotional, passionate Once Upon A Rogue Regency romance series.

“The clever and charming banter, as well as the deep soulful emotions, kept me turning pages.” ~ Rural Reader


Not even her careful preparations could prepare her for the barbarian who rescues her. Don’t miss the USA Today bestselling Highlander Vows: Entangled Hearts series, starting with the critically acclaimed When a Laird Loves a Lady. Faking her death would be simple, it was escaping her home that would be difficult.


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Excerpt from My Fair Duchess


The Year of Our Lord 1795

St. Ives, Cambridgeshire, England

The day Colin Sinclair, the Marquess of Nortingham and the future Duke of Aversley, entered the world, he brought nothing but havoc with him.

The Duchess of Aversley’s birthing screams filled Waverly House, accompanied by the relentless pattering of rain that beat against the large glass window of Alexander Sinclair’s study. The current Duke of Aversley gripped the edge of his desk, the wood digging into his palms. He did not know how much more he could take or how much longer he could acquiesce to his wife’s refusal of his request to be present in the birthing room. He knew his wish was unusual and that she feared what he saw would dampen his desire for her, but nothing would ever do that.

Camilla’s hoarse voice sliced through the silence again and fed the festering fear that filled him. She might die from this.

The possibility made him tremble. Why hadn’t he controlled his lust? After six failed attempts to give him a child, Camilla’s body was weak. He’d known the truth but had chosen to ignore it. Moisture dampened his silk shirt, and Camilla screeched once more. He shook his head, trying to ward off the sound.

He reached across his desk, and with a pounding heart and trembling hand, he slid the crystal decanter toward him. If he did not do something to calm his nerves, he would Copyright 2016 - 2024