Lady Guinevere and the Rogue with a Brogue - Julie Johnstone Page 0,102

Asher said as a serving girl set a drink down in front of him and one in front of Beckford. They clinked glasses as she departed, and Asher took a sip of his whisky, as Beckford took a sip of his own drink. “But I saw her in the park in Kilgore’s arms, and she lied about where she had been and who she had seen.”

“Maybe she ran into Kilgore and feared your reaction. You are a bit possessive and jealous, my friend.”

Asher scowled and quickly told Beckford about what Pierce had revealed.

Beckford sat silent for a moment, then held up his index finger. “First, you’re being an ass. Second—” he popped up another finger “—perhaps you should simply confront your wife. Third, I’m surprised you’d take your wastrel brother’s word for anything, let alone something as important as his exchange with your wife’s lady’s maid. And fourth—” Beckford offered a grin now “—Kilgore just strolled into the room, and he’s headed this way.”

Kilgore. Finally.

He was going to kill the sodding bastard. Asher shoved to his feet, his chair tipping backward and clattering to the floor. He swung around and barely ducked in time to miss the fist flying at him. He came up and threw his own punch, grazing Kilgore’s jaw. Asher begrudgingly had to admit the man moved well, but he was still going to kill him.

As the two men danced in a circle, fists up, Asher said, “Ye might have warned me, Beckford.”

Beckford laughed as he rose. “I might have, but this seemed inevitable, and better here where I can stop you from killing each other if need be.”

“He’ll need you to. I’m going to rearrange his face,” Kilgore snarled.

“Since I’m going to kill ye, it will make it difficult for ye to rearrange my face,” Asher shot back as Beckford skirted around them and started shouting orders for the men in the card room to depart.

Kilgore’s punch caught Asher on the left side of his jaw, and he gave himself a hard shake, angry that he’d allowed himself to be distracted. He came back with a punch to Kilgore’s gut and another to his nose as he straightened up, but then the man swiveled left and caught Asher with a cross punch to his right eye.

Asher charged, barreling into Kilgore and sending them both flying into the table he’d been sitting at with Beckford. They rolled off the wood, landing on the floor with a thud. As Asher went to scramble to his feet, a pair of hands grabbed him from behind and locked his arms behind his back. He looked up to see the club guards had Kilgore in a lock hold, too.

“Beckford!” Asher growled, knowing it had to be his friend who had commanded the guards to intervene.

“Calm yourself, Carrington. And you, too, Kilgore. Though the fight is certainly entertaining, I don’t wish for the two of you to destroy the club. Now, you can talk civilly, or I’ll order both of you thrown in rooms and the doors locked until the morrow.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Kilgore growled as blood trickled from his nose.

“He’d dare,” Asher said, glaring at Beckford. “I won’t forget this,” he spat.

“I should hope not,” Beckford countered.

“Release me,” Asher demanded of the men who held his arms behind his back, and immediately, his command was obeyed. And it damn well should be. He was part owner of this club, and it was one thing to do as Beckford had asked, but quite another to keep Asher bound after he demanded to be let go.

He stepped toward Kilgore and said, “Release him.”

As soon as they let go, Kilgore jerked away from the guards, yanked on his cravat, and then used the material to stop the flow of blood from his nose. “I’m here for Guinevere.”

“Ye’re here for my wife?” Asher balled his hands into fists once more.

“Yes. She loves you, you bloody idiot, and you wed her simply to gain money and land. She’s my friend, despite the slap,” Kilgore said, which made no sense. “I’m here to ensure you pay for what you’ve done to her.”

“Loves me? What sort of game is this? My wife is cuckolding me with ye! I saw the two of ye today on Rotten Row, and I know her lady’s maid went to see ye. Tell me, was she delivering a request to meet?” he snarled.

The look of utter confusion and then disgust that swept Kilgore’s face made Asher’s stomach feel suddenly hollow. “Guinevere did not Copyright 2016 - 2024