Lacuna - N.R. Walker Page 0,76

upon us soon enough.”

“And tomorrow is the eclipse,” Samiel added.

“Whatever they’re planning must happen tomorrow before sunset,” Elmwood said. “The eclipse. It cannot be a coincidence.”

Crow looked at Tancho then, at his pale face and his dark, soulful eyes. “We’re running out of time,” he whispered.

Time for what? Time together? Or time to see the bond between them broken and their lives return to some kind of normal?

Crow wasn’t sure what he wanted anymore.

“Come then,” Samiel said. “Let us make our plans. Where to first?”

“Ah, my home,” Tancho answered. “Westlands. It’s where Asagi and Erelis are, trying to piece together what little information we have.”

So they gathered their supplies, their books, and Maghdlm opened the doorway to the Westlands. Tancho’s guards stood armed, forming a line either side of their entry, dressed all in white with their weapons at the ready. Crow had to admit, they looked formidable. Though they couldn’t hide their relief at seeing Karasu and Kohaku enter first, and Tancho, of course. They also couldn’t hide their surprise at seeing Elmwood with Oaken, Kearmore and Cardwick, dressed all in forest greens, armed with axes and swords. And Samiel and Fazluna and Addax walking tall dressed in red with spears and bows and arrows.

Elmwood and Samiel were stunned at the beauty of Tancho’s castle, much like Crow had been. Or still was, he had to admit.

“I could not have dreamed of this,” Samiel whispered, taking in the water, the striking architecture, and stone bridges they could see from the balcony.

“Now I see why you were so taken with the view from my windows,” Elmwood murmured. His grin lit up his whole face. “I would love to see more.”

“And we will,” Tancho said proudly. “When trouble no longer knocks on our doors, we will have all the time in the world. And I can assure you, Northlands is just as breathtaking. Mountaintops of snow like you cannot imagine.”

Crow smiled at that. “Though the cold isn’t as welcoming.”

“No,” Tancho replied. “But the wood fires and warm castle certainly is. Hot baths and fur rugs. I cannot wait to go back there.”

“And I cannot wait to take you there,” Crow murmured, looking from Tancho’s dark eyes to his mouth, forgetting the room around them. He wanted to take Tancho back there right now . . .

“Okay then,” Soko said, clapping Crow on the shoulder. “Work to do.”

Crow turned to snarl at Soko, but he was already walking out the door with Karasu, smiling as he looked over his shoulder. As much as he hated it, Soko was right. They had work to do.

They found Asagi and Erelis at a long table in the library, books open and splayed out in front of them. Their animated conversation stopped when Tancho and Crow entered; both older men standing. “My king,” they said in unison, their eyes darting to the newcomers.

“I’d like to introduce you to Oaken from the Southlands and Sirocco from the Eastlands,” Tancho said. “They bring with them books and knowledge of their lands and histories.”

Asagi and Erelis bowed their heads. “It is an honour to meet you,” Erelis said. His gaze met Crow’s before he glanced at Elmwood and Samiel and back to Crow. “And these are . . .”

“Samiel and Elmwood,” Crow replied.

Samiel held out her wrist to reveal her birthmark, and Elmwood did the same.

Erelis gasped before bowing his head again. “An honour.”

“We have come for any information you can give us,” Tancho said. “We will be leaving for Aequi Kentron as soon as we can and would consider it best to be forewarned.”

Sirocco and Oaken put their books on the table, and Erelis frowned. “They appear to be exact copies,” Crow explained.

Erelis pulled over the black-bound book and Asagi slid over the white. After a quick once-over, Erelis gave a nod. “Indeed.”

“Have you found any other information?” Tancho asked again. “Anything at all to do with the eclipse, birthmarks, rules, maps, anything?”

Asagi gave an apologetic shrug. “Nothing, really. Though from what we learned, in our youths and as teachers, the information is . . . too similar? Too perfect, if you will.”

“As though it was fabricated and sold to us?” Crow asked. Both men nodded sadly.

Tancho turned the map around and pointed to the east and south. “Samiel, Elmwood, does this map look right to you?”

It only took them a quick glance to determine it was wrong. “And this is not the map I remember,” Elmwood said. “These roads do not match. These mountains, the rivers. Not Copyright 2016 - 2024