Lacuna - N.R. Walker Page 0,69

point, stopping before the top end of the northern border, was Crow’s, and in the centre, as if the circle that held the compass arrow pin, was Aequi Kentron. The southern point was slightly inland, as was the eastern point.

“Why are the points uneven,” Tancho wondered out loud.

Crow pointed to the north point. “The arrow doesn’t meet the most northern point of land. It points to where we stand right now. And yours”—he pointed to the western point—“does meet the most western point because that’s where your castle is. Right where the land meets the sea.”

“So the points don’t indicate true direction,” he stated. “They indicate where the location of the castle in each kingdom.”

“Or, more likely, they indicate the location of each doorway,” Crow replied. He tapped the centre circle. “Aequi Kentron, the so-called equal centre. It connects to all doors.”

“Hmm,” Tancho frowned as he hummed. “Perhaps the elders didn’t like the fact we can bypass them. By using these doors, we stepped directly from my home to yours without them running interference.”

Crow gave a stern nod. “That I would believe. They’ve controlled every single thing between our nations for a thousand years.”

“And controlled our trade and all communications,” Soko said.

“And profited, no doubt,” Karasu added.

“They had us believe they were doing us a favour, governing sanctions to keep us from war,” Tancho furthered.

Kohaku nodded in agreement. “It is what we were taught.”

“Us as well,” Soko said, giving Crow a dark look. “Has everything Aequi Kentron told us been a lie? They were the ones who outlined what we were taught, weren’t they?”

Crow looked to Erelis then, and with a deep frown, he nodded. “I was taught the same when I was young, and my teachers told me it was knowledge from the elders,” the old man said.

Tancho gave him a smile. “Asagi, my teacher, said much the same. All blame lies with the elders for this. Not you, nor him. I would imagine that Samiel and Elmwood were taught the same. We were told only what they wanted us to know.”

Crow turned the page of the book to reveal another map. It was a drawn replica of the Northlands, showing mountains, roads, villages, rivers. Then he turned the page again to reveal the Westlands. But something was off.

Tancho leaned in and inspected it. “This map is wrong.” He put his finger to his castle. This point is true, more or less. But the roads and the rivers . . .”

Everyone leaned in closer to look. “It’s not remotely close,” Karasu said.

“Whoever drew this was drunk,” Kohaku said. “Why would they put the road like this? It cuts the river.”

Crow looked up at him, then to Erelis. “Because if we were to use this, we’d be lost the second we stepped foot on your land. I’d bet anything you like, if we were to find the book of maps in Tancho’s library, the map of Northlands would be just as wrong. The elders are keeping us blind.”

“I will have Asagi find it,” Tancho said adamantly.

“Erelis?” Crow asked. “Would you be opposed to visiting with Asagi in the Westlands’ castle? He and yourself are of like minds. Take the books, share knowledge, learn all we can learn. The one thing Aequi Kentron has done over the last however many centuries is keep us from sharing anything they don’t want us to share.”

Erelis’ eyes widened. “Me? Go to Westlands?”

“For a short time,” Crow amended. “I would never ask you to leave your place here. We can open the doorway and have you back in a moment. Journeys of seven days to Aequi Kentron are over.”

Erelis sighed with relief. “Then yes. I would be honoured, my king. And even if you required me to leave for longer, I would. It’s just that I’ve never set foot on any soil that wasn’t Northlands.”

Crow smiled at his mentor. “Westlands is a place like nothing you’ve ever seen. It is beautiful at every turn.”

Tancho’s eyes softened as he looked up at Crow, and it made Crow’s heart thump against his ribs. “Asagi would be honoured. And I’m sure Hitode and Unagi would like to see home.”

“Then let’s see if Maghdlm is rested enough,” Crow said. “We need some lessons in opening the doorway, and we need to speak to both Samiel and Elmwood before nightfall.”

“Are we really going to the Eastlands and Southlands?” Soko asked excitedly.

“Don’t get too excited,” Crow warned. “I don’t know how kindly they’ll take to a magical doorway opening in the Copyright 2016 - 2024