Lacuna - N.R. Walker Page 0,53

a relationship. Don’t call it a relationship.

“Are you well, King Crow?” Asagi asked, looking at him concerned.

“I mean this with the utmost respect, good man,” Crow said, trying to smile at Asagi. But he cut a seething glare to Tancho, because he should have known better . . . “But could you please not touch him? I know it lacks reason, but I can’t focus, and your hand on his causes me physical ill and I don’t wish to cause anyone harm.”

Tancho slowly pulled his hand back. Was he trying not to smile?

Asagi was confused now. “Cause anyone harm?”

Soko laughed. “In addition to not being able to stand anything more than a few feet between them,” he said, stepping closer to Crow, “they also can’t bear anyone else to touch the other. Here, let me show you.”

Soko only got one hand on Crow’s shoulder, and in the blink of an eye, Tancho was up on his feet with his two katanas crossed at Soko’s throat. Soko very slowly removed his hand from Crow, looked around Tancho, and gave Asagi a smile. “See?”

Wide-eyed, Asagi put his hand to his forehead. “Oh, dear.”

Crow would have laughed if it weren’t for the murder in Tancho’s eyes. “Soko, my brother. I would suggest you don’t do that again.”

Soko took a step back, away from Tancho’s blades, and gave him an apologetic smile and bowed his head. “Apologies, Tancho. I meant no harm.”

Tancho heaved out a breath and lowered his katanas. “Not even to joke, Soko,” he whispered. “My control is not what it should be. I might not know to stop next time, and you’ll find your head at your feet.”

Soko nodded and swallowed hard. “Understood. My point is proven though.”

Karasu chuckled at Soko. “It was a point worth making to see the Northlander fill his britches.”

Soko, of course, couldn’t help himself. He turned and pulled his cloak away, giving her a better view of his arse, turning this way and that. “Do you like how I fill my britches?” He grinned at Crow. “Did you hear? She likes my britches.”

Crow smirked at him. “I would offer caution, Soko. If Karasu draws her katana to your neck, she won’t be of a mind to stop. You will find your head at your feet.”

Kohaku laughed. “Can confirm.”

Crow noticed then that Tancho stood to the side with his back to them, his face to the ceiling, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths. Crow stepped closer, and even though he wanted to, he was careful not to touch him. “What is it, little fish?” he asked quietly.

Tancho shot him a fiery gaze that quickly melted into a half-smile. “I hate that name.”

Crow’s smile won out. “I don’t think you do.”

“If anyone else called me that, I’d slit their throat.”

“If anyone else called you that, I’d slit their throat.”

Tancho smiled at the absurdity and ended with a sigh. He was quiet and troubled. “I used to have better self-control than this. Before, with Soko. I almost didn’t stop. And we can joke and it’s all some bizarre jester’s trick that I can’t stand anyone else to touch you, but Crow,” he whispered, meeting his gaze. “I almost killed him. I very nearly didn’t stop.”

Crow’s smile fell away, and he gave a nod. “We shouldn’t joke, and I’m sorry. He meant no disrespect. He plays a fool to lighten the mood, but he has the best heart.”

Tancho sighed. “I know. I just . . . I lose all reasoning, all self-control. I need to meditate, gather my thoughts and find peace and clarity.”

Meditate? Crow thought perhaps that was a load of bollocks, but Tancho clearly didn’t. “Anything you want.”

“My king,” Karasu called out. Both Tancho and Crow turned. There were two guards next to Asagi. “The healers are done with Maghdlm. She’s resting but awake if you wish to speak to her.”

Chapter Fourteen

Tancho’s mind was a mess. He was so relieved to be home and to find all was well that his heart could have burst. But now there was other madness with a magical doorway he didn’t understand, and his protectiveness over Crow had gotten worse.

So had his affection for him.

And maybe that was what played with his mind the most. This was some forced bond, some alchemical trickery that they had to find a cure for. It wasn’t a real connection.

But it felt real. The emotions were real. How his heart soared and squeezed when Crow smiled at him was real. How Tancho wanted to Copyright 2016 - 2024