Lacuna - N.R. Walker Page 0,24

took Crow’s bag and saddled their horses; Karasu and Kohaku did the same. There were no guards, no horsemen, no keepers, no . . . anyone.

Tancho walked to the last stall. It was empty, the stall door open, and instead of a bridle and reins hanging from the wall, were two yellow guard cloaks. Tancho pulled them off, and when he turned around, Crow was at the stall door. Tancho probably should have felt bad for putting distance between them, but he liked that Crow followed . . .

“What have you there?” Crow asked.

“Two cloaks.” He handed them to Crow. “This place has been abandoned.”

Crow inspected the yellow fabric, then glanced up at everyone getting horses ready. “The question is, where did they go?”

Tancho frowned. “Maghdlm said evil is coming. From far and from near. Do you think she knew?”

Crow nodded. “Is she in on it? Or just one arrow in a quiver?”

“My lord,” Iruka interrupted, bowing his head, Hitode behind him. “We are ready.”

Crow handed them the yellow robes. “Wear these, and my people will think you messengers and give you free passage. Wear your Westland colours and I doubt you’ll get far.”

They slipped the cloaks on and gave Tancho an apologetic smile as they discarded their Westland whites. “Apologies, my lord.”

Tancho patted his shoulder. “The cloak may be Aequi Kentron, but your hearts are Westlands.”

They smiled with relief. “We will go with honour, my lord.”

Crow looked upon them fondly. “And I acknowledge and appreciate your sacrifice. I know your hearts long to go home.” He went to his horse and took a purse from his bag. “Take this. There are inns along the way with warm beds and hot food. Buy coats and fur-lined boots. I assume you’re not accustomed to ice and snow. Our horses are bred for it, and as soon as they hit the cold country, they will take you to my home. They know the way.”

Iruka bowed his head. “It is very kind, lord.” He looked up. “And your message?”

“When you get to the Northlands’ castle, ask for Mentor Erelis. Arriving on our horses might cause some alarm, but ask for Erelis directly, and tell him you have a personal message from me. Tell him Soko and I have gone to the Westlands, for we believe them under attack. Tell him what you saw of those creatures and to send scouts to the northern fort to see if any creatures come from our waters. And tell him to ready our armies and wait for my word.”

“And if he doesn’t believe me?” Iruka asked. “If he thinks I’m lying, that I’ve stolen your horse and your purse, what then?”

Crow grinned. “Tell him if he does not believe you, I’ll recite the works of the Kalevala upon my return. And he’ll know it came from me.”

Soko chuckled at that. “Oh yes, he’ll know.”

“I hated that book, and for years he made me read it and study it. We argued over that cursed thing, and I swore to him as king I would have it written into law that the book be banned.” Crow’s smile turned a little rueful. “He never forgave me for that, even all these years later.”

Soko snorted out a laugh. “It was the royal penises you drew in the book that he never forgave you for.” He grinned at Iruka. “Tell Erelis that. Then he’ll know for sure.”

Crow laughed. “That is true.” Then his gaze cut to Tancho’s. “I was young.”

Tancho rolled his eyes and turned to his men. “Ride well. Be safe.”

The two Westland guards, dressed in Kentron yellow, rode out of the stable and headed north.

His words were cut off by a banging sound coming from somewhere at the end of the stables. On the other side perhaps? A door slamming? Or something falling?

Tancho and Crow both had their swords out in an instant and both pressed their backs to the side of the stall, half-hidden in shadow, as they moved silently to the end of the walkway. There was a set of huge double doors, matching the one at the entrance they’d come through, and Crow slid it open while Tancho stood ready, sword raised.

On the other side was another breezeway, well-lit by an opening that Tancho thought looked like might have led to another outside courtyard. It was empty, there were no signs of any guard or elder, and no sign of anything out of place.

“Where does that lead?” Crow asked quietly.

“I don’t know,” Tancho whispered.

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