Lacuna - N.R. Walker Page 0,16

even knew what he was doing, Tancho pulled out his katana and swung it in an infinity loop, letting the weight of it guide his hand. “Not at all, pretty blackbird.”

The man with Crow, the blond Northlander, stood between them, hands up, staring at Crow. “My king, I don’t think it wise to start this.”

“Soko,” Crow said, not taking his eyes off Tancho. “I don’t think it wise you stand in between us.”

“The rule was no blood. I don’t fancy seeing either of you forfeiting this day,” Soko countered.

“The rule was no malice or ill-intent,” Tancho replied staring at Crow, raising his sword. “There will be no malice, and my intent is pure.”

Karasu slid next to Soko but faced her king. “Tancho,” she whispered, her hand out as if in front of an injured animal. “This is not who you are. The mark on your wrist draws false bearing. Remember why you are here.”

Adelais raised her hand. “Kind kings,” she said serenely. “It is clear we do not know the full effect of your birthmarks or what the pull of the Golden Eclipse does to your self-control. I should suggest you not partake in these games against the other. Tancho, please partner off with Samiel. Crow, face Elmwood. Perhaps Soko and Karasu should also like to showcase their skills.”

Tancho lowered his sword and bowed his head at Adelais. He knew Karasu’s words to be true. This was not who he was. He had more self-control than that, but something about Crow set him off. Even being near him had him on edge. Tancho’s usual cool demeanour fell into chaos. He wanted to fight him, hurt him, make him bleed and cry out in pain, in ecstasy. He wanted to fuck like animals, wild and unbidden.

Tancho froze at the thought. What had made him think that? Imagine it, picture it . . . want it?

Karasu’s hand on his snapped him from his thoughts. “Tancho, what is wrong?” she asked. “This plays tricks on your mind.”

He gave a curt nod. “I do not know,” he whispered. “I want to do things . . . I cannot control . . .”

She took his hand and upturned his wrist to inspect the birthmark. “How does it feel?”

It was so hard to describe. It felt as though it should be on fire, but the pain wasn’t allowed to surface. “Agitated.”

“Come,” Karasu said. “We shall try some distance.” She led him toward where Samiel and her two companions stood. Kohaku followed, but Tancho saw how he kept an eye on Crow. It was clear Kohaku wasn’t fond of him either.

“Greetings,” Samiel said, her smile wide. She waved her hand to the two women beside her. “Fazluna and Addax.”

Tancho gave a polite bow of his head. “Greetings to you, also. This is Karasu and Kohaku.”

Samiel glanced around the courtyard. “A day of mock battles instead of ceremonial proceedings. Unexpected, is it not?”

“It is,” Tancho replied. “Unexpected and concerning.”

Then, all of a sudden, his birthmark grew warm, and warmer still. It buzzed and burned, growing warmer again, then hot . . . too hot. Pain ripped up his arm.

He spun around to search for Crow and found that he and Elmwood had begun to move to the far end of the courtyard. Crow was stopped, his hand out, glaring at his wrist, then up at Tancho.

“What is this?” he roared.

“I would ask you the same thing,” Tancho yelled back, trying to keep his temper in check.

“The distance between you,” Adelais called out. She had both hands out to them. “Close the distance between you.”

Tancho’s feet moved, almost without his permission. Anything to make the pain stop. Crow took a few small steps toward him, staring at his upturned wrist. And sure enough, as they drew closer, the pain lessened.

Tancho stopped moving and gave Adelais a nod. She turned to the yellow-cloaked guard beside her. “Seek out Maghdlm in the archīvum and ask her to join us. Please hurry.”

Crow turned his livid gaze from Tancho to Adelais. “What is this? We can’t be parted by more than twenty strides?”

“I’m sure Maghdlm will have some kind of remedy, even if only short term.”

“Short term?” Crow barked. Then he mumbled something and spun on his heel, taking long strides back to Soko. Only, he didn’t get far.

Tancho cried out, holding his wrist, and Crow gripped his as well, glancing at Tancho. Pain etched his face, but there was something else as well. Soko went to him and pushed him back toward Copyright 2016 - 2024