Lacuna - N.R. Walker Page 0,113

“Of course I was. And you protected me.”

“I hate that she destroyed our swords,” Tancho murmured. “I feel naked without a blade.”

Crow went to his display of weapons on his wall and took a dagger and stood in front of Tancho. “This blade means the most to me. Given as a gift from Erelis when I was a boy, handcrafted just for me.” He marvelled at the raven insignia carved into the hilt, turning it just so to catch the intricacy in the firelight. “I want you to have it.”

“Crow, I . . .”

“You have my heart,” Crow murmured, placing the dagger in Tancho’s palm and closing his hand around the hilt. “Never has someone captured me so completely. Never has someone been worthy. But you . . . my little fish. You are all there is. Keep this close to keep you safe. That way I’ll protect you even if I cannot be near.”

Tancho’s eyes glistened and he nodded, taking the dagger. He slipped it into his wrist guard. “I accept this gift, though it’s not taken lightly. I am honoured, Crow.”

Crow ran his thumb along Tancho’s cheek. “You are loved.”

Tancho’s cheeks flushed and he smiled, shy and lovely. “As are you.”

Crow kissed him softly. “Come on, we’ve been gone long enough.”

They reopened the gate to Aequi Kentron and found Asagi, Erelis, Sirocco, and Oaken at a large round table with scrolls and books spread between them and a few pots of coffee in the middle. “We told the guards to alert the others upon your arrival,” Asagi said. He looked Tancho up and down a few times, visibly distraught to see him wearing black, but let it go with a long sigh.

“I’m still King of Westlands, no matter which colour I wear,” Tancho said. “And you’ll all be pleased to know the Northlands’ birthmark has been returned to its rightful owner.”

Crow laughed at Erelis’ expression, and Asagi’s wasn’t much better, but despite the parental admonishments, they were clearly tired but in good spirits, happy to see Crow and Tancho.

Or maybe it was the basket of Scaevola’s baked goods they brought with them. “I have asked her to prepare enough food to feed an army,” Crow explained. “We should feed the soldiers the biggest breakfast they’ve ever had.”

It would be dawn soon and the new sun would shine a light on the true damage they’d incurred yesterday.

Kohaku and Samiel came in next, looking battle-worn but wearing clean clothes and fond smiles. Elmwood was next to arrive, helping a bandaged and bruised Kearmore into a seat. “Heard you were back,” Samiel said.

“It is so good to see you all,” Crow said. “Kearmore, I trust you are well?”

Kearmore nodded slowly. “I am, thank you. Just well reminded that we battled monsters.”

“And Elmwood? Your arm?”

He flexed his huge biceps and the bandage around it stretched tight. “Just a little bark off.” Crow smiled at that.

“Where is Karasu?” Tancho asked.

Crow looked around the room. “And Soko?”

Kohaku laughed. “I believe he spent the night in her quarters.”

And right on cue, Karasu walked into the room and threw a savage glare at Kohaku. “Because he needed somewhere to stay and someone here had to be hospitable.”

Soko limped in, trying not to grin, and Crow was quick to wrap him up in a fierce embrace. “Soko, my brother. How injured are you?”

Someone behind them cleared their throat and they turned to find Tancho staring at them. “Well, I see we’re back to being jealous boyfriends, but at least you didn’t attempt to take off my head,” Soko said. Then he noticed what Tancho was wearing. He grinned. “Black looks good on you.”

Tancho growled but it ended with a smile. He put his hand on Soko’s shoulder. “I am glad to see you well, friend.”

Soko noticed the blade Tancho had in his wrist guard, his eyes flashed with recognition. “Wow.”

“A gift,” Tancho replied quietly.

“I bet it was,” Soko said with a laugh. But then he noticed the basket of food and made a beeline toward it, though he had to bump Kohaku out of the way to get at it.

Crow smiled as he put his arm around Tancho, pulling him in for a hug, making sure to have skin contact so the room slowed down around them. “Are we ready to do this?”

“More than ready,” Tancho replied. “We have a lot of work to do.”

Crow cupped his face and kissed him. “I’m excited to begin this with you.”

Tancho smiled serenely. “As am I.”

They separated and time snapped Copyright 2016 - 2024