Lacey's Warriors (Bondmates #6) - Ann Mayburn Page 0,10

Even if you refuse our bond, you will be forced to stay in the Bel’Tan Galaxy. You are not entirely human anymore. The slavers changed your form to make you capable of surviving in the Bel’Tan Galaxy. The humans would know at once that you are different from them. The first time you go to a doctor, it could start a panic and give your civilization information that it is not ready for. You cannot go back to Earth.”

Fury filled her, and she almost gave into the temptation to put her fist in his face. “I am going back. No one—not you, not anyone—can stop me!”

Gwarnon took a step closer, and she silently snarled at him as he leaned down a bit to look her in the eye. “Do you know how to get through the wormhole? How to fly a ship? How to navigate through time and space?”

“No,” she whispered, her adrenaline rush fading, leaving her feeling sick to her stomach.

Chel moved closer, his presence a soothing balm to her soul. “Let us worry about the future later. Right now, we must focus on our only goal—you surviving the Baladium. We will help you in every way we can, but you have to trust us.”

She moved over to the sofa and sat down heavily, her mind whirling with everything she’d learned. “I don’t know what to say. I feel like I don’t know what is real anymore. Who or what I can trust? How do I know you’re not some…intergalactic hotties the aliens are using to try and manipulate me? Trying to distract me with your amazing bodies and faces.”

“Intergalactic what?” Gwarnon’s icy mask shattered into one of pure confusion as Chel said, “You think our bodies are amazing?”

She waved her hands in the air, cutting off Chel before he could speak again. “It doesn’t matter. You’re right. I need to survive the upcoming battle, but I’m not going to let you alter my DNA and bond with me or whatever. There has to be another way.”

“As you wish,” Gwarnon took a step back, but Chel put his hand on the other man’s shoulder.

They silently stared at each other and, even though neither of their expressions changed, she swore she could feel hints of emotions. Almost like words, but not, more like images and feelings. Both men were deeply hurt by her refusal, and another slice of guilt cut into her already nauseous stomach. She wished Roxy was there to talk with, but she was pretty sure her friend was still busy with the two hot alien guys that she was in love with.

“Those guys with Roxy? Are they her bondmates?”

“Yes,” Chel said, dropping his hand from Gwarnon’s arm and facing her with the full power of his gorgeous eyes surrounded by his long lashes. “They felt her in our galaxy the same time that Gwarnon received word from an informant about your location.”

“Huh,” she said. She leaned her elbows on her knees, holding her head in her hands for a moment as her tired thoughts circled in her head.

“Lacey…may I call you Lacey?” Chel asked in his warm, soothing voice.

“Sure.” She sighed as she looked up at him.

“I have a proposition for you. It does not require bonding.” He knelt before her quickly as she frowned. “I will modify the crystal implant to the best of my ability so that we will find a balance between the flow of information and your still human brain. But I ask that you supplement any knowledge you receive by letting us train you. We are both very skilled Warriors and have experience with battling many of your potential opponents. We ask you this boon as a fellow Warrior, not as our alyah.”

Too tired to argue with him that she wasn’t their alyah, she nodded. “I can agree to that. But no bonding. I don’t mean to sound like a bitch, but—uh, you seem like really nice guys, and I don’t want you to get your feelings hurt. I just—I can’t bond you. I have to return to Earth. I hope you understand.”

Thoughts of her mom and daughter tried to intrude, but she pushed them away.

She’d cry later, when she didn’t have an audience of men who might not be her enemies, but who weren’t quite her allies, either.

Gwarnon seemed to vibrate with tension and looked like he wanted to argue with her, but his voice was empty as he said, “As you wish.”

“You are tired.” Chel reached out his hand, hesitating Copyright 2016 - 2024