Laced Steel - M.J. Fields Page 0,7

I say.

No male has ever said they wanted to have sex with me. They wouldn’t dare. Can’t say I dislike it, but obviously, the whole “any of you” part seems kind of desperate and is off putting.

“Offend you?” Abhi asks.

“Have you met my family?” I joke.

Abhi shakes his head. “We’ve gone to the same school since when?”

“November, right after Thanksgiving,” Alexa answers.

Abhi nods. “You walk in together, you congregate between classes, and sit together at lunch. So, basically, we know that your brother, Justice, and cousin, Tricks, get a lot of ass and do so without the girls becoming all clingy or angry, and you Steel girls, with the exception of Katherine, have your virtue protected like the US Mint protects its gold bars. Any guy looks at you, and they’re met with laser beam intensity from the guys and knows damn well you wouldn’t give them a second thought.”

“Wish I had an older brother or cousin that actually liked me,” Alexa mumbles.

James stands up quickly and walks to the cooler, grabbing a bottle of water then cracking it open.

“You good, man?” Baker asks.

“Anyone need a drink?” he deflects.

“Truth does,” Brisa answers for me.

“No, but Truth does need a bathroom.” I stand up and look around.

“To your left,” Abhi says.

Inside the bathroom, I look around. “Sterile, just like the rest of this place,” I mumble as I shimmy my yoga pants and panties down. “Clean-looking or not, Alexa called this place the pounding palace.” I hover over the toilet and sigh as I pee. “Virgin with an STI? No, thank you. Big Daddy Cyrus would never buy that, truth or not.”

After the longest and most satisfying pee in the history of pees, I wipe, flush, and walk to the sink. I turn the handle, and water starts shooting out of the faucet like a freaking fire hose, splashing all over.

“Holy water pressure, batman!” I shriek as I try to turn it off as quickly as possible and succeed, but not before a massive mess is made. Looking in the mirror, water dripping down it, I see that everything within a three-foot radius, including me, is soaked.

Chapter Three


Don’t cry over spilt milk.


Cry. Milk spoils and smells nasty.

Towel over my head, I run a hand back and forth in an attempt to stop it from drying too curly as I use my other hand to fling open the door. “I need more towels before the head horseman keeps the security deposit, stat!”

“Truth,” Brisa says in a hushed, quivering voice, which is very unlike her.

I pull the towel off my head to see we are no longer alone, immediately noticing them standing in some sort of formation.

“Shit,” I whisper. But then, I can’t help the bubble of laughter from popping out of my mouth.

I notice the corner of Harrison’s mouth curve up, but only momentarily. However, his light brown eyes are still dancing with amusement.

Consciously not wanting to stare at the boy who I once thought would be my perfect match at Seashore, I look at Kai Hatt, who looks completely unamused. His dark hair and eyes match the disdain that’s directed at me. Then I look at Miles Jameson, also dark, but not as dark as Kai. Finally, my eyes land on Tobias Easton.

Even though I’ve seen his IG and pass him daily at Suckshore Academy, I never really noticed the color of his eyes. They are blue, brilliantly blue, almost like a blue-eyed Persian cat. And like a cat who’s decided his belly has been rubbed enough, his ears seemingly lay back, and he looks as if he is ready to stretch out his claws and take a swat at me. Which is why I have always been a dog person.

“So, about those towels.” I smile.

“Get the fuck out,” he grumbles in a deep voice.

I watch Abhi, Baker, Alexa, James and even Brisa nearly jump out of their skins.

“Oh, hell no,” pops out of my mouth, as I look at Brisa. “We don’t jump when someone says jump.”

I then look at Baker. “I thought you said we had an hour left.”

He looks at his watch. “Time’s up.” He looks at Tobias Easton. “Sorry about this. It won’t happen again.”

“You’re damn right it won’t,” Tobias sneers at him hatefully.

Even a bit buzzed, I seem to be quick on the draw. “How is he to blame for my mess caused by your faucet and exorbitant amount of water … pressure?” Baker and Abhi were really excited about being allowed to rent this place. Copyright 2016 - 2024