Labyrinth - Catherine Coulter Page 0,99

be a huge blow. Would you like me with you to talk to Rafer Bodine?”

Griffin thought about it. He wanted Carson with him, and the sheriff was more useful to him here in Whytheville. “Sheriff, let me handle this first interview. I’ll keep you posted. I need you to show those photos around town, talk to neighbors and the businesses around the parking lot at Buffett’s. Spread your deputies in a wider circle.”

Sheriff Cruisie’s shoulders squared. Like the Drumms, he now had some work to do that could mean something. He shook Griffin’s hand, nodded to the gorgeous woman with him.


* * *




Athena looked out the window to see Jasmine leap from her car and race to the house. She burst through the front door, breathing so hard she was panting. “Athena, did you tell them Ellie’s dead? Tell them she was murdered? Did you find out any more? Do the police know who killed her?”

Athena fanned her hands. “You know the most of any of us, Jasmine, since you were interviewed by the FBI. We’re all as shocked and horrified as you are.”

Jasmine heard Cricket sob, saw her black mascara was smeared by her tears. She looked folded in on herself. As for Craig, his eyes were red, too, from crying. Jasmine shouted, “For heaven’s sake, Athena, Ellie didn’t just die, someone killed her. A robbery? Do you believe that?”

“None of us know what to believe. I do know everyone in the accounting department was interviewed. You told me two FBI agents met with you, Jasmine, asked you about the accident and about Ellie. Did they give you any idea of the direction they’re taking?”

Jasmine nodded. “Yes, they wanted to know not only about the accident but also about Justice Cummings. They don’t believe Ellie’s murder was a robbery, they believe Cummings and Ellie are somehow connected and that’s why the FBI is involved. They said they identified Ellie on video across the street from the accident. Athena, none of this makes any sense. Who would kill Ellie? Why?” She banged her fist against her palm.

“Listen, all of you. I can’t tell you who killed her, or why. It’s possible it was a break-in, as the news stories said. Or maybe her miserable ex-husband had her killed. You all know there was violence in their marriage and that’s why she divorced him. We certainly had nothing to do with it.”

Craig raised angry eyes to her face. “Fine, we know none of us had anything to do with Ellie’s”—he stumbled, sucked in a breath—“murder. Obviously Cummings didn’t have anything to do with it, he’s got to be injured, maybe dead. What about Artemis? And for once, let’s call her by her name—Claire Farriger. Her contacts may be important and far-reaching, but we hardly know her at all. She’d be capable of this, wouldn’t she? I mean, you told us she was once a CIA operative, a spy. She knows violence.”

“No, impossible,” Athena said, but she felt the spit dry in her mouth.

Jasmine said, “Athena, I called you last night, told you Ellie was frightened she’d been seen at Cummings’s house, that she could be identified. Did you tell Artemis? Craig’s right, let’s call her by her name—Farriger. Did you tell her?”

Athena had known Jasmine’s question was coming. She wasn’t about to tell them she also suspected Farriger. She had a feeling Farriger would be capable of having her own mother killed if she was afraid her mother would give something important to her away. It made Athena sick to her stomach to think about it—Ellie sleeping, shot in the head. She’d always hated violence, wanted no part of it. But Ellie was gone, and she wouldn’t let her death blow them apart, they were too close to success. She said, “Listen to me, all of you. I said no, it was impossible. Well, I spoke to Artemis earlier. She was as shocked as the rest of us. And no, I didn’t call her last night, so she had no way of knowing Ellie was worried she’d been seen in Cummings’s neighborhood.

“This is a terrible blow, but we have to continue. We’re so close. We have to be ready by Monday.”

Craig said, “She could have found out herself. Listen, Ellie and the rest of us agreed we were willing to break the law to make our fortunes. The device is my own invention, after all. But none of us wanted any violence. We’re not killers. You’ve got Copyright 2016 - 2024