Kyro - A.G. Wilde Page 0,97

the enemy’s camp to save her.

What more could a girl want?

He was everything she wanted, and more.

Crouching, she brushed a finger over his cheek, and like that, right in front of her very eyes, he began to change once more.

This change was smooth though, like the time he’d shown her who he really was.

This change was slow, the bulkiness slowly seeping away under his skin till he was his usual size once more.

This went beyond the laws of everything she knew. Yet, she was fascinated, enraptured by him.

Checking his pulse, she felt a stable beat.

That was good enough for now. He said he’d sent a signal and that the others would be there shortly. She just had to wait.

Standing up once more, she let out a breath she’d been holding and began to pace.

“Warning! Warning. An enemy ship has exited warp and is approaching. Warning!”

The sound of the AI shook her to the core as her insides shriveled up at the warning.

An enemy ship?

Rushing to the console, her eyes flew over the many buttons there. Why couldn’t these spaceships have labels on them? Things would be a lot easier if they were.

She had no idea what to do and a glance at Kyro told her he was still out of it.

“Two minutes until docking.”

Oh, frickin’ pasta sauce.

They needed a break. Now wasn’t the time for enemy reinforcements to arrive.

Staring at the buttons, she felt like a dummy. Those buttons did everything and right about now, they also did nothing. If she pressed something random, would it help them or make things worse?

She tried to weigh the options.

She could press a button or a series of buttons and the ship could do something that helped them or she could make the shield fall or something, disable an engine maybe, take life support offline...

“One minute until docking.”


Rushing from the bridge, she almost stumbled over one of the bodies of the slain guards.

Don’t think about the bodies. Don’t think about the bodies.

Grabbing a blaster from the floor, and another, and another, she bundled as many as she could in her arms. She was on her way back to the bridge when the AI spoke again.

“Ship docked.”


As she entered the room, she breathed hard, looking at Kyro’s resting form.

She was going to do all that she could to keep them alive for as long as she could.

There was no time to cover him so she’d just have to shield him with her own body.

Crouching as she got the blaster ready, she’d just about settled her finger over the trigger when the door to the bridge opened.

“Qrak me,” a voice said. “Who the qrak did this?”

“Whoever it was, maybe we should get him on our team,” another voice said before a big head with two horns popped through the door.

“Xul?” The blaster slackened in her hands a bit.

The bull-man’s eyebrows shot up when he saw her before his gaze became guarded. Behind him, Crex appeared, his dark gaze looking all too pleased with the carnage outside the door.

“Evren...” Xul said, his gaze on Kyro as he entered the bridge.

Crex glanced from her then to the bodies outside and back again.

Resting the blaster to the floor, she breathed out a breath of relief. The warning had been for their ship.

She was an idiot. Of course, the AI would see the Restitution’s vessels as enemy ships.

Rokan walked in next, his eyes surveying the bodies as well before they fell on her and then on Kyro. He noticeably paled, if that was possible in his gray skin.

Glancing back, Evren swallowed hard.

Kyro hadn’t managed to shift back to his Borxclan disguise. He was Vorti, undeniably so. Right now, he was the most vulnerable he’d ever been, and it didn’t matter what his brothers said or thought, she was going to protect him from their judgment.

“What happened here?” Xul asked, his eyes focusing on Kyro. “And who is that male?”

Evren swallowed hard, her eyes flying to Rokan’s.

There was no way out of this.

In the time it took her to answer, Xul moved closer.

“It’s Kyro,” she finally said. Xul paused, his brows furrowing. To his right, Crex folded his arms, his attention no longer on the damage that was done. His dark eyes were now on her.

Looking straight at Rokan, she swallowed hard.

“You know that device that changes your body. He was wearing one. He changed into this. But the Tasqals interfered with the device. I think we have to go back to base to fix it maybe.”

Xul paused and for Copyright 2016 - 2024