Kyro - A.G. Wilde Page 0,96

his. “Come on.” She stood, trying her best to help him rise.

“I’ll be fine.”

“No, you won’t. Now, come. On.” She pulled him again and he rose with reluctance, trying not to put his weight on her once more.

They stumbled more than walked toward the bridge, and the doors opened silently for them. Once inside, she set him down on the floor, moving into the room.

“There must be some kind of map of this ship right. I need to find the med bay, patch you up. And I need to send a message to the others or pilot this ship somehow. Where the hell is the button to shut off this alarm? I need to think!”

She was pacing as she babbled, and he loved it. The sound of her voice made him feel calm and whole.

There was a strange peace settling over him as he listened to her.

She was safe. She wasn’t badly harmed. She would survive.

His mission had been completed.

It was almost as if his body was wanting him to say a final word so he could go.

“I doubt we can stay just hovering in space. Reinforcements are likely to come and I—” Her words cut off as she stopped walking abruptly.

“Shit shit shit shit shit.” She clenched her fists as she headed back toward him. “Kyro?”

She took his face between her palms as her concerned eyes looked over him. “Kyro?” She touched his cheek. “Shit. Oh God, whatever you do, do not close your eyes. I can’t allow you to fall asleep. Where the hell is the frickin’ med bay?”

The ship’s alarm was still blaring.

“Alarm,” he managed to mutter. “Disengage. Yellow button. Captain’s chair.”

He felt her leave his position and then the deafening alarm stopped. Crouching by him once more, she took his cheek in her palm.

“Kyro, darling, please don’t close your eyes. Stay awake for me.” She lifted his head. He could hardly see her. His eyelids felt heavy. Oh so heavy.

“You’re losing so much blood.” There was an undertone of worry there. “Do you know where the med bay is?”

“Kit in compartment under helm.” He fought to do what she asked of him, to keep his eyes open, but it was so difficult. Even more difficult than taking out the many guards. Yet, he tried. For her, he tried.

He didn’t want to leave her until he was sure she was safe.

She left his side then and he could hear her voice as she tried to find the compartment he told her of. There was a string of expletives and sounds of frustration until she exclaimed something, and her small footfalls headed back his way.

She popped open the kit and rifled through the contents.

“There are just a bunch on syringes in here. I have no idea which one to use.”


He could see her hands were shaking as she fumbled with the serums, finally finding the one he needed.

“Wait...” Maybe she was right. Maybe he was losing a lot of blood. As the minutes went by, it was as if he was losing more and more strength, becoming more and more tired. His voice sounded weak to his ears.

“Vidi,” he murmured, and a square lit up in his pocket—the datapad activated by voice control. “Activate the last saved protocol.”

The screen blinked once and he rested his head against the wall.

“What was that?” Evren was looking from him to the device.

“...contacted others...location sent...on their way.” He took a moment to breathe. “...they will find us. Take you home.”

A soft smile graced her features as she looked at him but there was still worry in her eyes.

Taking a huge breath, he mustered his strength. “We have a lot to talk about.”

Evren smiled once more before he heard her chuckle in relief.

“We do.” She paused, lifting the purple syringe in her hand. “Here, let me give this to you. We have all the time in the world to talk later.”


As the serum worked through his veins, Evren watched as Kyro’s eyes slowly closed. He looked as if he was sleeping now, resting, and she stood slowly, looking down at him.

He was out cold. The exertion of killing so many guards had taken its toll. She still couldn’t believe she’d witnessed him slaughter so many beings.

It had been horrific and, at the same time, glorious.

He was right. There was a lot for them to discuss.

She knew he could shift, she hadn’t expected any of what she’d seen.

Looking at him now though, she knew it changed nothing.

He’d come all alone, literally walking into Copyright 2016 - 2024