Kyro - A.G. Wilde Page 0,4

she stayed she’d have to join and fight against those horrible toad aliens called the High Tasqals.

She wasn’t sure she wanted to do that.

She didn’t even know how to throw a punch properly.

Granted, she’d surprised herself with her pure aggression in the past thanks to adrenaline.

So maybe she could throw a punch, once bullied. Maybe take away her science book while she was reading it and she’d probably stab you with her pencil...not probably—she most definitely would.

Her sandals slapped softly against the paved street as she walked, her head in her thoughts. With the cool breeze that tickled her skin, she could see why the other human women were planning on staying on the base.

Why leave when God provided all that a woman could ever want?

1. A hot guy.

2. A hot guy that was devoted to her.

3. A hot guy with a stiff cock who was devoted to her.

4. And a million books free for her to read.

It was a pity the translator chip the slave masters had installed behind her ear didn’t translate the written language of the aliens. At least she’d have had number four—because numbers one, two, and three were probably never going to happen.

A sigh made her shoulders rise and fall as she continued on her way. As she crossed the narrow street, she almost bumped into a giant of an alien that looked suspiciously like a yeti.

“Whoops! Sorry.”

“Watch where you’re going,” the yeti grunted.

She swung out of his way, turning to look at the alien Sasquatch as he passed.

His tone had caught her off guard.

He didn’t seem nice, but then again, that wasn’t exactly a prerequisite for living on the base.

He could be fighting for the good guys, but that didn’t automatically make him good.

She should remember that.

She didn’t need to get on anyone’s bad side.

She was alone here.

Despite that she was one of five humans on base and that technically meant she had friends, the truth was that she was alone.

The other four women had found the love of their lives. They were happy. They had a future on the base.

She. Not so much.

She’d heard mention of some intergalactic port city where some refugees lived.

If things didn’t work out on the base, she guessed that was where she would end up.

Hopefully, she could carve out a life for herself once more...carry on where she left off on Earth.

New job. Something she could do to contribute her skills to her new society.

As the hulk of the yeti-man ambled down the street, Evren realized she’d been standing and thinking for quite a few seconds without moving.

She was just about to turn around when she saw a tall figure several feet down.

Her brows furrowed slightly.

Tall. Gray skin. Bald head.

It was Kyro—one of the aliens that had rescued her and the others. He wasn’t that far off that she didn’t recognize him.

He was looking up at the sky as if something was interesting there. Glancing upward, she couldn’t see what was drawing his attention.

There was nothing in the pale gray sky, not even clouds.

For a few seconds, she stood wondering if she should walk toward him and say hello.

Despite that she’d spent so much time in his presence before, he hadn’t really spoken to her. He’d watched her, which she’d found creepy at first, but then she’d just gotten used to it.

Kyro was weird.

That was just how he was.

But she didn’t mind his strangeness.

As he continued looking at the sky, Evren decided she wouldn’t disturb him.

What would she say to him anyway? Awkwardness was her middle name when it came to starting conversations.

Turning around, she continued on her way.

This was her first time heading to the market and she hoped she could find the place on her own. Around her, the hustle and bustle continued, undisturbed.

Every step she took, there was a new type of alien she hadn’t seen before. It was hard not to stare at some of them.

Even now as she thought about it, one was ambling toward her with one large eye on its cylindrical head. As it walked past, she couldn’t resist and she glanced back to watch it go, only to be confronted by another large eye on the back of the alien’s head.

She guessed no one could stab him in the back without him seeing it coming.

She almost laughed at her joke.

She still had to come to terms with the fact that aliens existed, and the universe was much more vibrant than anyone on Earth had ever imagined.

The fact that there was Copyright 2016 - 2024