Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3) - N.J. Walters Page 0,53

Fury bubbled up around the lid he kept locked over his emotions. She’d gone from willing to self-conscious. By trying to do the right thing, he was making a muck of it.

“I want you. But more than that, I want to take care of you, put you first.” He feathered his fingers over her cheek, his thumb grazing the tiny nick Balthazar had given her. It wasn’t deep and likely wouldn’t scar, but it should never have happened. “You deserve to be put first.”

Her hand rose and covered his. “No one ever has.”

He lowered his head and nodded, consigning himself to live with the lust burning inside him and the ache in his body. Calling on all his discipline, he pulled his hand away. “Take my bed and rest.” There’d be other opportunities in the trip ahead. But time was waning fast, each moment precious. He could hear each tick of the clock in his brain counting down. Feel each grain of sand trickling through the hourglass ancient cultures had used to tell time.

She glanced at his large bed. “I’ll take your bed.” Then she touched his face, her fingers soft and gentle. “But only if you share it with me.”

He swallowed hard and reminded himself he’d lived through years of training, endured conditions and situations that would have killed any other man. He would survive lying next to her while not making love to her.

“Thank you. I’d be honored.” Her trust was more important than sex, although he would have preferred both.

“Why don’t you get cleaned up?” He pointed to another doorway. “The bathing chamber is fully equipped.” It included an oversize gel cleansing unit, one of the few luxuries he allowed himself, along with his large bed.

Giving him a nod, she headed toward the doorway. “You’ll be here when I get back?”

He nodded, ignoring the way his battlesuit was strangling his erection. Sweat broke out on his brow. “If you’d like.”

Her hands went around the front closure of her bra and twisted. It fell open, the cups peeling back. She gave a little shake of her shoulders and the garment fell to the floor, leaving her naked from the waist up. He got the briefest glimpse of a full mound and a hint of nipple before he was presented with the long, slender line of her back.

“Or you could join me,” she tossed over her shoulder.

“Thank you, gods of Gravas.” He sent up the heartfelt prayer as he followed in her wake, pulled along by the promise of more, the hint of sensuality and lighthearted teasing.

No woman had ever played with him before. Sex had been hot and quick with other partners, with little said between them. Etta was different in all ways.

Her boots were off, her pants a puddle on the floor when he got there, leaving her wearing only a skimpy pair of panties. Her skin glowed. Surely no star had ever shone so bright.

“Are you going to undress?”

He made quick work of his shirt. The rest of it followed until only his battlesuit remained. He couldn’t stop looking at her long enough to finish. Her full nipples were puckered into little buds that seemed darker because of her pale skin.

She hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down, bending forward to remove them. He almost swallowed his tongue when her breasts swayed. It was so natural, so erotic.

On a growl, he stripped his battlesuit off and stalked toward her. His gaze narrowed until there was nothing but Etta. He scented her arousal and breathed deep. Spice and cinnamon made his mouth water. He had to taste her.

She took a step back and then another until she was against the wall of the gel cleansing unit. “If you want me to stop, tell me now.” His voice was so low and guttural he almost didn’t recognize it. A haze of lust threatened to consume him. He shook his head, trying to clear his senses.

Etta opened her arms to him and sealed her fate.


What am I doing?

Chance had brought them together. Or maybe it was destiny. Whatever the reason, she couldn’t regret it. No matter what happened when they reached their destination, the girls would be safe. She couldn’t say the same for herself. Kyler was one man against an entire planet of warriors. Plus, he had honor. And she would never ask or expect him to betray that.

She didn’t always understand him. In the short time they’d known each other, he’d Copyright 2016 - 2024