Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3) - N.J. Walters Page 0,47

it. If not, he’ll be seen to in due course.” Balthazar was his main target. The one who’d held and tortured the king’s son. “If you hear fighting, run for the ship. If all remains silent, wait here for me. I’ll come back for you.”

Doubt flashed in her eyes, but she gave a resolute nod. He curled her fingers around the box. “If anyone else tries to use it or if you use the wrong finger, the ship will go into lockdown. Only I’ll be able to access it then. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” She was pale, but steady considering what she’d been through both physically and emotionally. Pride filled him. She was perfect for him.

If she would have him.

If he could figure out a way to save them both.

One problem at a time. “Stay in the shadows.” He eased her down between two large metal beams with her back to the wall. “Remember, if things go to shit, run for my ship.”

“D-block, fourth to the right, about halfway down on the right,” she repeated his instructions back to him.

Crouching before her, he stared into her blue eyes, wondering if this would be the last time he’d see them. While he had every faith in his skills, he was also realistic. Sometimes things went wrong.

He’d never cared before. Never had anything to lose. And it wasn’t just Etta. Two young girls were waiting for him. When he’d entered their room earlier this evening, after taking care of their guard, Sera had been standing in front of her sister, a small knife clutched in her hand. He’d seen the same fierceness and loyalty that lived in her older sister. It had taken time to convince her to go with him. Sera had been doubtful, but had taken him as the lesser of the evils around her. Maggs had put her small hand in his and hadn’t looked back.

And now, Etta was extending that same kind of trust to him. She was putting her life and that of the girls in his hands. He never wanted to disappoint her.

“If I can, I’ll be back.”

She put her hand on his chest over his heart. “Be safe.”

“Don’t worry about me.”

Her smile was self-deprecating. “I can’t seem to help myself.”

On a silent groan, he leaned forward, giving her plenty of time to object or turn her head. She met him halfway, the kiss tender, yet filled with promise. He wanted to sink into her and never leave.

Without another word, he stood and lost himself in the shadows. The taste of her lingered on his lips. A hint of cinnamon teased his nostrils. The taste and smell of Etta, of home.

Tugging the hood of his cloak up, he ghosted up and down the decks of the docking station. Was it a mere fluke Balthazar’s ship was on the same deck as his?

He’d never really believed in coincidence. Someone must have tipped the man off, which meant his spy network went deeper than Kyler had imagined. The only way for Etta to get to safety was down this deck.

A smile curved his lips. Balthazar thought he was the badass of the universe. He’d never faced someone like Kyler before. One dedicated and committed man could do more damage than an entire army.

Kyler had a king and country to serve, a duty to uphold. But even more than that, he had a family to protect. It might not be his for long, really wasn’t his now, only in his heart.

For once, someone truly needed him. This was bigger than defending the laws of his world. This time it was personal.

Sliding two knives from the holster on this chest, he narrowed his eyes and began to hunt.

Chapter Twelve

How long had he been gone?

Etta shifted her weight from one leg to the other. They were starting to ache. If she had to make a run for it, she wanted to be able to move quickly.

On a silent curse, she gripped the metal girder closest to her and used it to pull her body upright. It was dark enough in her hiding spot that no one should notice her.

It was too quiet. There weren’t any voices or machinery. Even at this time of night someone should have been around.

Several more minutes passed. She tapped her toe silently and flexed her arms and legs. “Where is he?” she whispered under her breath.

Her fingers curled around the black box he’d given her. Should she go to his ship? The girls had to be frightened. Copyright 2016 - 2024