Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3) - N.J. Walters Page 0,43

ship being catapulted into deep space by boosters, Kyler exploded out of his chair. He hit the Barskan in the eyes, neck, and chest, his hands a blur. Blood spurted out from the wounds, the big man dropping to his knees before anyone else could react.

One of the remaining men fired toward Kyler, but he was already gone, melted into the shadows.

Adrenaline flooded her system, making her hands shake. None of the men were paying her any attention. They were all focused on finding Kyler. Swearing, she leaned down, rested the barrel of the blaster against the counter, took aim, and fired. The man closest to her dropped.

Another spun around to face her. She stared death in the face. This close, he couldn’t miss. She started to duck, the instinct to survive too strong to ignore. Before she could move, the man collapsed, a knife hilt sticking out of his left eye.

Another man dropped, clutching at his neck where a knife was embedded.

The remaining man’s eyes were wild as he bolted for the door. Two knives rammed into the back of his neck. His entire body jerked and he toppled forward. He was dead before he hit the floor.

Kyler emerged from the shadows, a cloaked giant. Ignoring her, he systematically went around the room, checking the downed men and retrieving his knives from the bodies. When he got to the one she’d put down, he glanced toward her.

“This blaster will only stun,” she told him. And she was glad. She didn’t want to be responsible for killing anyone.

He rolled the man onto his back, crouched beside him, and stripped his weapons from him. Then he tapped his face until he opened his eyes. “Do you know who I am?”

The man frantically shook his head. “This was a simple pick-up. That’s all.”

“Where were you supposed to take me?” Kyler was completely calm. Did the man have ice water in his veins? He wasn’t even breathing heavy. She, on the other hand, was panting like she’d run for miles.

“Ship in the docking station.” He licked his lips. “Don’t kill me. I only wanted a few bucks.”

Kyler tilted his head to one side. “Didn’t you bother to ask who you were kidnapping?”

“Not my concern. It’s just business, right? No hard feelings.” The man was getting a bit cocky the longer this went on. She could have warned him it was a huge mistake, but figured he’d learn that soon enough.

“The name of the ship?” Kyler snapped.

“What’s it worth to you?”

The air around them stilled. Kyler didn’t move, didn’t threaten. He didn’t have to. He was terrifying simply being himself.

And she’d taken this man as her lover.

Like magic, a knife appeared in his hand. “The question isn’t what it is worth to me, but to you. A slow, painful death.” He dragged the flat of the blade over the man’s cheek. “Or a quick one.”

“No need to be hasty. We can work something out.” When Kyler didn’t respond, the man hurried on. “The Rebel. That’s the name of the ship.”

“Thank you.”

“So you’ll let me go?” the hopeful man asked.

Kyler shook his head. “I would, but the king of Gravas would object.”

“Gravas.” The man shook his head. “No. No.”

“By the laws of Gravas and the order of the king.” A blaster appeared in his free hand. One quick shot to the head and it was done. “Justice is served.”

Chapter Eleven

Etta wished she could see Kyler’s face. What was he thinking right now? Feeling? She wasn’t buying the unfeeling assassin routine. Yes, he was ruthless and deadly. The proof was all around her. But he was so much more.

“The door isn’t locked.”

His head jerked toward her before he jumped to his feet and strode over to take care of that.

“What about them?” She did her best not to look at the bodies, grateful she couldn’t see more than a shadow of the Barskan on the floor across the room.

“Leave them.” He came around the bar and removed the blaster from her trembling hand, setting it on the bar. “You shot him?”


“Why?” He stood so close she could feel his heat, but his features were still covered. She hated that hooded cloak with a passion.

“Because you were outnumbered.” She locked her knees against the tremors wracking her. “Because if I had to run, he was the one likely to catch me,” she added, being brutally honest.

He nodded.

“Damn it. Talk to me.” Reaching up, she shoved the hood down. His black eyes narrowed, but he didn’t stop her. Copyright 2016 - 2024