Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3) - N.J. Walters Page 0,40

eyes were deeper. His mouth was grim. He seemed more … human and less elite assassin. Or maybe she was imagining things.

“Why did you leave?” She hadn’t asked that, had she? Etta rubbed her hands over her face. “Forget I asked.”

Strong fingers wrapped around her wrist and tugged until she was looking at him again. “I didn’t know what to do.” It sounded like a confession.

She tilted her head to one side. Was he as conflicted as she was about what had happened? “What did you want to do?”

“It doesn’t matter.” There was a finality to his words that bothered her deeply. She had a sense it mattered deeply.

“Tell me. Please.” This man stood alone in the world. Did he have family back home? Who did he talk to when he had things on his mind?

He released her, but the heat from his hand lingered on her skin. “I wanted to take you again and again, until you’d never forget me.” The harsh whisper sent a blast of heat through her. But was he just saying it to get her to talk?

That dose of reality chilled her desire. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and cleared her throat. “Mission accomplished. There’s no way I’ll ever forget you.” The vial Balthazar had given her grew heavier with each passing second.

“Balthazar is suspicious of you. He wants information. He suspects the Gravasians sent you. Not that you were sent to kill him. Apparently, assassins do the job and leave unseen.”

“He’s not wrong.”

What did it do to a man to live his life completely in the shadows? “Then why are you here? Why not just do the job and leave?” Why not just kill her and leave?

“I need to make sure everyone involved in the event is neutralized.”

What an innocuous word for killing people. Still, she couldn’t fault him for his loyalty to his king and people. There was a reason no one fucked with Gravas.

It was hard not to take it personally considering they’d been naked together, his big body covering hers as he thrust into her. She wanted to fan herself, but resisted. Just being near him was making her all hot and bothered. That had been a time out of time, a truce that had ended with their passionate night together. And she had bigger problems. “Will you help me protect the girls?”

“Is that your price for information?” The chilly tone made her shiver.

“It’s what I need.” They glared at one another, the tension palpable. “If I don’t do what Balthazar asked, he’s going to hurt them.”

“And you,” Kyler pointed out.

She waved her hand. “I can take care of myself.” At least she hoped she could long enough for her to make sure the girls were safe. There was no escaping her fate.

He leaned back into the shadows, his hood once again shielding him from her view. The man was impossible. She wanted to shake him and hug him in turns. Her stomach was jumping, her head pounding.

Love was tearing her apart.

“They’re only children. Whatever I feel for you, they deserve to come first.” She was about to gamble all their futures with no guarantees. Dipping a hand into her pocket, she dug out the vial and set it on the table, keeping it covered with her hand. She raised her fingers just enough for him to see it.

“Is that what you did to Ivar?”

“Is that his name? It’s not the one he used here.” Somehow knowing it made her feel even worse about what she’d done.


“I can’t go back and change what I did. If it hadn’t been me, it would have been someone else.” That much was true. “What do you want me to do?”

“Do you know what’s in the vial?”

“No.” They both spoke in low whispers in spite of being alone in this corner. “But it will put you to sleep. Balthazar is supposed to have men take you out of here after the bar closes.”

Kyler covered her hand with his. In a slick move, he lifted her fingers, removed the vial, and sat back. “Your part in this is done.”

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” He was dismissing her, and she sure as hell didn’t like it. Not after she’d given him her trust and gambled everything. “I could tell the Barskan what you did.”

“Your choice.”

“You really are a bastard, aren’t you?” Maybe she’d imagined their connection. Maybe for him, their relationship had been purely physical. Only it hadn’t seemed that Copyright 2016 - 2024