Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3) - N.J. Walters Page 0,36

large male with reddish skin paced the small room, casting glares toward the hallway. Barskans were loyal, but that loyalty was bought and paid for. Kyler memorized every feature of the male. He was a dead man. If he worked with Balthazar, he’d been a part of whatever happened to the king’s son.

He sent off a picture to the Gravasian high command, along with the information he had. If Kyler was unable to execute his mission, another assassin would come for the Barskan.

He toggled over to the device he’d planted in the girl’s room—this one audio only. They were speaking softly, so he manipulated the controls until they came in more clearly.

“Where’s Etta?” It was Maggs, the younger one.

“She’s at work. Don’t worry. But don’t draw anything. The man was right. It’s not safe for you to draw pictures of your dreams.” She was only a few years old, but Sera sounded too much like an adult. Living under constant threat was putting too much stress on them. Not to mention they’d recently lost their mother.

“It hurts when I don’t draw.”

There was a shuffling sound. “I know.” He couldn’t see them but could picture the older one comforting her sister.

“The man will help us,” Maggs insisted.

Kyler’s heart skipped a beat before speeding up. Was she talking about him?

“I don’t think so,” Sera told her. “Men do what’s in their best interest. You could always draw a picture of Etta. She’d like that.”

He swallowed heavily. She was so young to be so cynical. The weight of expectations pressed down on him. On one side were his king and entire world. On the other were Etta and the girls.

Sitting back, he closed his eyes and allowed the computer to filter the conversations. Every interaction he’d had with Etta played across his mind, the images unfolding like a recording.

One of his strengths was he forgot nothing. His memory rivaled that of a computer chip. It was both a blessing and a curse.

His breathing deepened as he replayed their time together in bed. Her soft moans of pleasure had the fine hairs on his body standing on end. The soft texture of her skin, the sweet scent of her desire was as real to him now as it had been when they’d made love.

His cock stirred, pressing against the inside of his battlesuit. He reached between his legs to adjust himself. It didn’t help.

Meditation and concentration exercises failed. But that was because he didn’t really want to stop thinking about her. He’d never needed anyone. Even leaving his family hadn’t bothered him much. He’d grown up with the knowledge he’d be going into the king’s service and had separated himself from them at a young age. And they’d encouraged it.

But Etta was different. She was the air he needed to breathe, food for his withered soul, her voice music to his ears.

Cursing, he jumped from his chair and went to the cargo bay to work out yet again. He pushed his body hard. Went through complex routines designed to sharpen his concentration. Always before, king and county had been his grounding point.

Not this time.

Etta was now his focus. She and the girls.

His body fell into the familiar practice. His mind settled. His heart and breathing calmed.

When he finally stopped and checked the time, several planetary hours had sped by and sweat drenched his body. Time to get clean and dressed and head out on his new mission: Protect Etta and the girls while destroying Balthazar, Helldrick, and anyone associated with them and the abduction of the king’s son.

Once that was done, he’d take them to Gravas and hand himself over to the king’s justice.

But peace eluded him. Etta was the wildcard. Would she betray him? Would she run? Or would she ask him for help?

Only one way to find out.


The small vial was practically burning a hole in her pocket. She reached in and touched it yet again, all while praying Kyler wouldn’t show up tonight.

“Let me see them.”

The Barskan male was as big as a mountain, his huge body blocking the entrance to her home. “No one in or out. Balthazar’s orders.” The low, growly voice sent a shiver of dread through her. The girls must be terrified.

“Then contact him. Tell him if he wants me to do my part, I need to see the girls.” She crossed her arms over her chest, ignoring the sweat making her shirt cling to her back and the heavy pounding of her heart as the male Copyright 2016 - 2024